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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Barack Obama - CYA

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

Whenever someone comes along and professes to passers by in their life that they are (a) Christian, many in the Judeo-Christian faith rejoice and eagerly await their testimony. It is one of the most blessed times, because we want to share in that moment when, together, we can glorify Jesus and give praises to our Father for saving one more soul from sin and death, as only He can and will do. Therefore, many Christian believers, its fair to say, must be disappointed that we have not had any such public profession from Barack Obama as he prepares to take the reins of President of our nation.

Barack Obama, CYA!

CYA? Yes. Christians Yearn For Answers.

We know that you were a parishioner of the Trinity United Church of Christ in your adopted home, Chicago, for approximately 20 years. You have acknowledged that you sat under the pastorship-mentorship of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. And, you seemed to have endured the black liberation theology preaching he conducted there for all of that time in silence. And I'm sure we'd be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, if you said that you were hearing from the Lord Jesus to remain, because we know He'll do that for His purpose.

Christianity - Jesus - Salvation - Baptism

Did you hear from heaven while sitting in that church? Did you discern the Lord's voice speaking to your spirit to tune out the false doctrine of black liberation theology, when Jesus has set all mankind free who believe and receive Him as God's salvation? But, if you heard from heaven, then is that why you stayed there until you ran for the Office of President and this nation finally got to listen to some of the preaching-teaching of your pastor and became aghast by what they were hearing coming from that pulpit?

Did you of your own free will make the choice to get baptized in the Trinity baptismal fount? Did you actually go through with it? If so, what was your initial reaction when you came up from out of the water? And, if so, have you realized any difference in your day-to-day life?

Now here's a really big one. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Who is He to you? Do you believe Jesus is just "one of the prophets" as Islamists and black muslims believe? What do you know, on a personal level, about God's saving grace? What is your testimonial?

Abortions - Roe v. Wade - Feminists

During the 2008 election campaign, you and John McCain participated in a political forum conducted by Rick Warren, pastor, Saddleback Church. When he asked you to comment about your thoughts concerning unborn babies and abortions (which kill them in the womb and finish off the massacre, if they manage to survive following that atrocious attempt to murder them) ---- oh, lets continue --- to continue, you said without batting an eyelash that babies in the womb are "potential humans."

I wonder if, when you and your wife, Michelle, got to see the first pictures of each of your girls while they were forming in the womb either of you said those babies were "potential" anything but your daughter? Can you recall? Truthfully speaking, was your initial response that this was your child and that you couldn't wait to hold her? In that very moment, did you believe that the "potential" was, in fact, in that very instant, a whole living, breathing child? Your child?

If all of that which has gone before is spoken truthfully, then how can you justify approving of abortions at any stage of pregnancy, much less the end stage and, even, following the birth. What would cause you to change your mind? Suppose the Lord caused the faces of all of those aborted babies to come into your sight morning, noon, and night, as they must be doing before the eyes of those women (and men who agreed to it)? Answer?

Homosexuality - Same-Sex Marriage

Warren, during the Saddleback forum, posed another question regarding same-sex marriage (that's an enigmatic oxymoron within itself). You said that you do not support same-sex marriage but that you do support civil unions (of same-sex couples?) Can you please explain what you believe to be the difference(s), if any?

The homosexual community tries to explain it by saying that traditional religious marriages are performed in churches but that civil unions are not religious, (gays say) because they are being performed in government buildings by government officials and they will receive government certificates. If, as you said, you believe traditional marriage is between one man and one woman, then how do you justify the homosexual lifestyle with any credibility and Godly justification?

Do you believe that Christians are wrong to point out Godly admonition to people who are going against God's will for their lives, whatever it might be? Do you believe it is natural, normal, healthy, and Godly for males to lie with males and females to lie with females (in the biblical way)? Do you believe that Christian silence in the face of such obvious perversion is the best response any Christian can have to it?

The Holy Bible - The Word of God

Barack Obama, are you born again? Do you know if you are converted by God? Conversion only comes from God. Do you know the Word of the Lord and has He pressed it into your own heart? Do you know that Christians who know the Lord also know His voice, His will, His Word, and His way? Did you know it is by those means they are able to discern even the hearts and thoughts of mankind? Did you know the Holy Ghost is real? Does He lead you? Did you know, beyond the doctrines and disciplines of mankind that He is real regardless of what mankind says and does to try to disregard His direction?

Here's a big one. Do you know and understand what happens to those who profess to be Christian but reject the Holy Ghost? Do you know that even Satan the devil can say the name, Jesus, and does many times? Did you know that Satan has his own disciples and synagogue? Did you know that everybody who says they are a child of God ---- is not? What do you think of that? Answer.

So, you see, if your desire is to have the confidence of Christians when (if) you are to be (our) President, then your testimonial is very important and must be honest and sincere to give glory of our God. Christianity is not a factor of who you know, if it is anybody or anything but Jesus Christ, as Lord, Personal Savior, and soon-coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Christianity and the Lord's salvation has nothing to do with who is your pastor, who are your friends, what church you attend, how much you tithe and contribute, how often you attend church, who your parents are or were, or how many souls you saved or failed to save (only the Lord Jesus saves souls from sin and death).

Did you know that no one can buy their way into heaven? Answer.

Change? Prayer Changes Things!

Christians continue praying that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And, having so prayed, Christians follow the leading of the true and living God. And we know that He desires that we live and not die. And, therefore, anything and anybody that espouses life with deadly consequences apart from God must stand to testify about why they believe they do not fall into that category.

Christians understand that Godly change is the only change we can believe in that will make any Godly difference on earth and throughout the universe.

Is there any reason why Christians Yearn for Your Answers (CYA)?

May God bless you and yours, as He changes your heart, is my prayer.

May God continue to bless America, is our prayer. And, we pray it all in the name of Jesus. And we thank Him and call it done. Amen.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Has Blago Absolved Obama or Blamed Him?

Rev. Lainie Dowell

These men are just two of the many DNC men and women and other partisan and Republican bees buzzing together in a small, glass hive and that’s for sure. So, who can’t help but believe that Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) does have something of value to offer up to the prosecuting bee collector in order to save both his and his wife’s necks from a long jail stint? But, as some wags have been heard to say, “He (Blago) will have to start singing like a bird.” And, don’t you think he won’t!

Does anybody recall that little diddy that Rod Blagojevich spewed out onto an audience where he spoke during his 2006 Chicago run for the office of Governor of Illinois? Have you seen the video of that political speech or heard him give it in person?
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Obama's Christmas Bailout Gift to America

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

How about this for a genuine solution for bringing about that real political change, which Barack Obama fervently and consistently promised for the American people, if they helped to make him the first black man to occupy the Office of President? Here it is plain and simple. Why doesn't Obama now voluntarily bailout America?!
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reprint: US v. Blagojevich

Illinois Governor Arrested for Trying to Sell Obama's Senate Seat


(U.S. Dist. Ct., N.D. Ill., Dec. 9, 2008) – Illinois governor Rob Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff John Harris were arrested today on charges including an alleged scheme to sell the Senate seat of President Elect Barack Obama.

In this criminal complaint, Blagojevich and Harris were charged with one count of conspiring to defraud the people of Illinois and one count of corruptly paying the recently bankrupt Tribune Company millions of dollars in financial assistance from the state of Illinois in exchange for firing Tribune editorial writers critical of Blagojevich.

Criminal Complaint.
Posted at the Washington Post.

Original Resource: Findlaw, December 9, 2008, Breaking News.

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What Did Chicago Rock Barack Know?

And When Did He Know It?

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

Chicago: Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and Chief of Staff John Harris Arrested On Federal Corruption Charges.

More reasons to hold up the Obama installation?? I'd say so.

Is Six Degrees of Separation at Work?

Don't jump to conclusions, I hear you say? What took the government so long to jump, is my reply! Those whispers coming from out of Chicago about their so-called political machine rose to a roar and, still, those sounds did not seem to be loud enough to signal that something was rotten in Chicago and it needed to be cleaned out.

There is where the braggadocio's aren't too shy about pumping their chests and talking about who they can make or break, or not, according to their whims despite what the people of Chicago express their will to be at the polls.

Dropped down in the center of this political mess in a short time after hitting Chicago, only to rise to the level of the leader of the party now, Barack Obama rose like a rocket and his feet hardly hit the ground, he was flying so high across terra firma. But, I still want to know how that was possible in America without connections. And, although so many of Obama's connections have been found to be questionable at best, somehow many in the mainstream media and from out of the Congress, itself, have surrounded him to anoint him and send him forth as representative of the free world.

This wheeler-dealer man, Obama, slipped and slid all across this nation and the world and not one big wig publicly bothered to insist that he reveal his origin or his means of getting around to his diverse political and social destinations and followed through.

Who is Barack Obama and what does he stand for? We have heard those questions raised even to the United States Supreme Court; and, yet, no definitive response has been heard to answer those questions. Now, you might also ask why and how in the world would I try to connect Obama to the breaking story about his Governor in this morning's news that, along with his chief of staff, they were both arrested on charges of federal corruption. And, along the way, today, the name of Obama associate, Resko, was invoked. He is now serving time in a Chicago jail.

It goes without saying that Obama has been widely touted as being the leader of his democratic party since he broke all records to be hailed as the first black president of the United States following the Presidential General Election on November 4, 2008. And, even before then, right after the primary campaign when he became the presumptive democratic nominee, he took immediate action to move the offices of that entire DNC political organization to his own home state of Chicago. With clout like that, I don't believe there is not much about that place that Obama does not know!

He comes and goes and makes things happen, as it hath pleased him. And, where he goes nobody knows. But we do know that he keeps his cell phone to his ear and he has refused to give up his telephone upon request of the Secret service. Oh mercy! I hope they don't get those wires crossed. But, I'm almost certain they won't tell until and unless? It's almost like a prelude to America having to experience the Nixonian "Saturday Night Massacre" all over again. But we shall see.

Just who will fill the United States Senate seat of the (gag) President-elect Barack Obama to replace him in the hallowed halls of Congress? How much money do you have? Come on, boys and girls, pony up because the ante is going up. Step up!! Political offices for sale to the highest bidder. Forget about the Constitution. Forget about the Rule of Law. Forget about professional ethics. That's just for public show, anyhow. Well??

Even though the feds don't want the American people to leap to conclusions about a possible Obama connection to the Illinois governor's possible downfall, in light of the current revelations surrounding the governor, we've got to wonder if Obama paid for either of his Senatorial seats and, even, the Office of President? We're going to be proactive if nobody else has gotten there yet! It is worth mulling over.

Better now than never. It appears that our government is not sleeping, after all. And, if anybody in America wishes to return to the days of Watergate and Clintonistas, then have at it, because God Himself will pull the covers back every time and prove that you were neither paranoid nor delusional nor had snapped your lid when you stood up and said, "Oh look, the Emperor is not wearing any clothes." And, no longer will they pipe up and say, "Thou dost protest too much. Off with their heads."

Perhaps! But when the sunlight shines on all of those dark-of-night, back room shenanigans, and there is no more room for any of those small creatures to hide when they thought they were larger than life, then it just might be that Americans won't have to stand by and watch as our political process is being taken over by either men or women who wine and dine on the dollars that were relegated to be expended on behalf of the people that they were put in office to protect and defend instead of to break and bend.

I don't know about you, but I am past tired of watching as local, state, and national political offices are being treated like property to be passed down generation after generation to waiting sons and daughters and in-laws of "name brand" politicians. How much money is too much money? No wonder America is broke. Well, she may be broke but she is not broken.

And, with today's arrests of Chicago's governor and his chief of staff, we can breathe a sigh of relief. For, even in the midst of Americans fighting worldwide war on terror, faltering and failing corporations and banks, failing schools, promotion of abortions at will, perversion lifestyles sanctioned by the government, and corruption coming from the statehouses all across this country -- just to name a few death-dealing blows to our traditions, values, morals, mores, and spiritual welfare -- we have hope of Godly recovery for our nativeland, America.

Take heart Americans, America is not for sale. And, as my elderly friend has said for years, "You might get by but you won't get away."

And, you'd think politicians would get a hint by now! Oh well?! Stay tuned.

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Monday, December 8, 2008

New Petition No Confidence Counts2

Obama-Biden Administration

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

By now I suppose the U.S. Supreme Court ruling has gotten around that they have rejected one more appeal concerning Obama’s status and the Constitution. We are at a crossroads as a nation, and that goes without saying. But, we must not give in and give up speaking out against inequities and whatever we believe to be ungodly and unjust. The day we do will find our offspring living in an entirely different country than we were reared.

I created a new petition today and placed it online. It offers an opportunity to connect and express a collective voice of dissent to the Obama-Biden administration. We have already seen much of what we have all gleaned come to fruition—for example, Obama’s coalition government is creating the participatory form opposed to the representative form with an elected Congress. Their plan is against the U.S. Constitution and it is dangerous.

But who will stop and block it from changing all of our lives, if our legislators won’t? And they won’t.

Please visit the new home page and it will lead you to the petition, itself, and badges for your homepage. And, if anyone believes this is in vain, then at least we will be able to say we tried and have some evidence to show for it—when the time comes, which I know and believe it will and Obama and his Chicago crowd will come up short, including all of the Clinton Administration people who got away the first go round but are back around for what?

We shall see.

My petition website home url is: Clergywomen-Iron Pen Writings.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mr. Obama's Eligibility to be Aired Monday at the National Press Club

Press Release!

We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education Inc.
2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804

Contact: Bob Schulz

QUEENSBURY, N.Y., Dec 04, 2008 / Via Direct Email

On Monday, December 8, 2008, at 1:30 pm, the We The People Foundation will conduct a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. The licensed attorneys who initiated lawsuits in PA (Philip Berg), NJ (Leo Donofrio) and CA (Orly Taitz), challenging Mr. Obama's legal eligibility to hold the Office of President of the United States, will briefly summarize the facts, legal arguments and status of their cases. They will answer questions from the press.

Prior to the start of the conference, at 10 am, the Supreme Court of the United States is expected to announce whether it will consider applications from these attorneys who have asked the Court to delay the proceedings of the Electoral College pending a determination of the underlying constitutional question - the meaning of the "natural born citizen" clause of Article II of the Constitution and its application to Mr. Obama.

Robert Schulz will briefly discuss Mr. Obama's response to the publication of his Open Letter in the Chicago Tribune on Monday and Wednesday of this week. For the reasons given in the Open Letter, Schulz asked Mr. Obama to: (1) immediately authorize Hawaiian officials to provide a team of forensic scientists access to his original ("vault") birth certificate and (2) arrange for the delivery of other documents needed to conclusively establish Obama's citizenship status. Mr. Schulz will answer questions from the press.

"Under our Constitution, no one is eligible to assume the Office of the President unless he or she is a 'natural born citizen,'" said Bob Schulz, Chairman of the Foundation. "To date, Mr. Obama has refused all requests to release his original birth certificate or other documents that would definitively establish his citizenship status and thus his constitutional eligibility."

The Open Letter to Mr. Obama summarizes the evidence against Mr. Obama and the adverse consequences that would befall the Nation should he assume the Office of the President as a usurper.

"Should the state members of the Electoral College cast their votes for Mr. Obama in the face of such overwhelming evidence, and without verification of Mr. Obama's eligibility, they would be committing treason to the Constitution," said Schulz.

Resource: We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc.


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Friday, December 5, 2008

Obama Admits He Was An Expatriate Living in Indonesia

The article below is by Peter F. Spalding. It is Reprinted from The Jakarta Post, published on December 6, 2008, and states here in full, as follows.

Obama to bridge the West and Islam
Article written by Peter F. Spalding, Washington DC Sat, 11/22/2008 12:53 PM Opinion
Americans can be grateful to Indonesia for the contributions the Indonesian culture made to the character of a bright, sensitive, young boy named Barack Hussein Obama who was known to his Indonesian school mates from 1967 to 1971 as "Barry."
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Breaking News Alert - Sen. Saxby Chambliss Wins Runoff


Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 -- 9:02 PM ET-----
Chambliss Wins Georgia Senate Runoff

Saxby Chambliss, an incumbent Republican senator, was re-elected by Georgia voters on Tuesday in a substantial victory, ending Democratic hopes for a 60-vote majority in the Senate that would make it difficult for Republicans tofilibuster the Obama administration's legislative agenda.

Read More at The New York Times:

The New York Times
620 Eighth Ave.
New York, NY 10018
Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Solutions to Obama Constitutional Crisis

Spilling Ink
By Rev. Lainie Dowell

I love God, America, Truth, Justice, Liberty, and all who do likewise. Listen to our informative discussion in re how Obama has created a devastating American Constitutional Crisis for the upcoming United States Presidency 2009.

We discussed this ongoing situation about Barack Obama on the Laurie Roth Radio Show as well as considered solutions that Americans can take to correct it. The first thing would be to get yourself informed and stay informed. We believe that faith in the Lord and prayer play an important role towards coming through with the right solution.

Phil Berg's lawsuit has kept this issue alive and his legal action brought it to the attention of the entire nation. Because the news media still refuses to do their journalistic duty in this matter, they have betrayed this nation for the sake of falsely putting a black man into the Office of President, namely, Barack Obama, without his having the experience, character, patriotism, or love of our God and country.

Be sure to share any documented proof to dispel Obama's claim to political legitimacy, if you have any in your possession, which will help to stop Obama before the Electoral College meets in mid-December or before Inauguration Day on January 20, 2009.

Leadership in America has to come from the top down, which is through the President in accordance with the Constitution of the United States for a representative government. It is not as Obama's stated plan of creating leadership from the bottom up with coalitions for a participatory government.

Leaders lead. And, if we broke this nation up into coalition governments, as Obama intends to do, we would no longer have a democratic republic of representative government as mandated by our Constitution. Instead, we would have 50 separate countries inside of one nation. And that, if directed by Barack Obama, would create for him a dictatorship-communist nation, which would do away with the Constitution and the Congress.

Americans who know God, the Constitution, and the American way will never agree to that illegal form of government or support it or tolerate it. Only people who do not know their history could even entertain allowing such a false proposition.

Read about our history. Read about Kenyan history and Jomo Kenyatta, one of Obama's heroes. Read about the African dictator Idi Amin (a horrible prototype of Obama). Pay attention to Venezuela's dictator Hugo Chavez today. Take a closer look at dictator Vladimir Putin in Russia today. Consider the Castro Brothers in Cuba. We do know evil when we see it and it repels us and calls us to speak out against it.

Obama is one such evil person. Why? Because he deliberately lies to the nation and, when caught, then he blames the ones who have the documented truth of the matter -- even with words coming from Obama's own mouth. This is the kind of change that Obama plans to bring into America. Most of all, get informed and stay informed. Investigate.

Please don't flame me unless you provide documented proof to refute what I or others have presented in this matter. This is just that important. This is not a time for games. We are in serious trouble as a nation both at home and abroad. But our hope is in knowing that our God lives and that not everybody is "paranoid," as the pundits would have you to believe. When somebody is kicking you in the backside and you know, see, feel, and believe that they are doing it and stop to tell everybody about it -- Well? Does it matter if others have not seen it or believed it happened to you? No! Because you know that it was not in your imagination.

This Laurie Roth Radio Talk Show link is to the radio discussion in which I was privileged to be one of her guests. It is also found on Dr. Roth's Archives page dated Nov. 25, 2008, Hour Three. Microsoft Media Player. The Hour Two broadcast on that same date is with another guest who has great solutions, as well.

Repeat --- The Roth Show, radio talk -- UPDATE!
The 2008 Archives has been removed from The Roth Show website. Contact me /revldowell

AFRICAN PRESS INTERNATIONAL BOMBSHELL (API)!! To schedule release of the original tape of Michelle Obama's recent phone call to API. In it, she expresses sentiments against those she view as being white racists and comes out against the blacks who go along with "envy" of her husband, Barack Obama. This is a powerfully interpreted tape shown on youtube.com to go before their release of the original tape with her actual voice. A MUST HEAR!! Background information about this tape can be obtained directly at API or contact the Chief Editor, Mr. Korir. Their website address will soon be changed to an independent one at http://www.africanpress.in .

Note: I still have my three McCain-Palin signs on my lawn even though I live in a neighborhood of Obama-Biden supporters. I'm still waiting for somebody to knock on the door and ask me why and I can tell them the election is not going to be over until we can all be assured that Obama is not going to be allowed to change our constitution by his partnership coalitions -- that is, even if he succeeds in getting into the Oval Office in 2009. Pass it on.

A Must See at Obamaforgery.Com. A video that outlines the question about Obama's citizenship, whether it is natural born or Indonesian? And, what about kenyan? We deserve a definitively factual response from Barack Obama to avert a constitutional crisis.

Read more. . .

Monday, November 24, 2008

Are Christians Imprisoned By Obama Blackness and White Guilt?

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

Let's speak truthfully. As I see it, Obama would never have been elected to this prestigious position, had it not been for the white vote. Regardless of how many times Obama protested that (his) Race was not an issue in this 2008 Presidential election, he played the black folk like a fiddle.

Worse, yet, the white folk who have demonstrated the most guilt about blacks in the United States enslavement history are the ones who also received access to all of the gains which resulted from the hard-won fight for the civil rights of blacks. And, through the strong resolve of all men and women of good will beyond race, creed, and color, Americans overcame. However, there are still too many who refuse to get out of the way and let us come over.

Nevertheless, if it were not for the votes from many of the white college students and white baby boomers, too, then Barack Obama would never have been headed for the White House as President today. As the campaigns proceeded, it was almost a given that Obama's rhetoric would get him the larger portion of the black vote across the nation. And he got it, including from among all age groups and races. Indeed, he was hailed as a brand new savior and messiah of the whole world. In fact, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa has hailed Obama as their son who will provide for them, because it is the land of his father's birth. And, until we receive evidence to the contrary, it might possibly be Obama's (the son's) birthplace as well. And, that ought to tell you something about what we can expect up ahead!

But, when we still hear so much talk about whites being racists and bigots in America, where does that mentality come from? More often than not, it comes straight from out of the mouths and hearts of many young, hip hop blacks and their university instructors of every hue and temperament and from down on the block or up in the hood or far out from the burbs.

Following the 2008 general presidential election, when commenting on the outcome of the Democratic Party's win which ushered in an Obama victory, Rev. Harry Jackson, a black pastor and Republican in Maryland, wrote as his conclusions that, as he said, Christian conservatives must change our witness to conform to secular, political demands in order to maintain a role as leaders of a Godly, moral, righteous, and just purpose in the free world.

I do not agree with what I see as being Rev. Jackson's "beatdown" of Americans no matter what color he is and we all are. Where is the hope in that message of his? In the Lord Jesus, there is always hope in any seemingly hopeless-looking situation for the faith-filled believers who profess to be Christian.

Among other things that Rev. Jackson wrote in his commentary was that conservatives who continue to fight for the truth to be fully revealed about Barack Obama are "paranoid." Needless to say, I do not agree with that assessment of his, either.

I recognize and acknowledge that the Democrat Party and Obama trounced the Republicans and won the 2008 Presidential and Congressional elections. But, it appears that Rev. Jackson placed total blame on Christian conservatives for that political defeat, because we were not secular enough.

However, neither the Republican Party's Presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, nor his Vice-Presidential running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, nor any of the millions of Americans who rallied around their clearly articulated call to put "Country First" for the change we need could have been any more beneficial to the call for traditional values and morals than was demonstrated.

What we have not heard stated enough, if at all, is that the McCain-Palin ticket was not assembled until at the last stages of the electoral contest in 2008, while Obama and his team had been on the Presidential campaign trail since before 2004, when he stepped upon the national stage at the DNC. And, instead of being true to federal election laws, policies, and procedures for political campaigns, Obama circumvented them and changed them as many times as he could with impunity and without accountability or sanctions. Moreover, we still know even less about Obama than we knew before he first appeared on the national stage.

What is more, Barack Obama and Michelle, his wife, since both of their community organizing days, have worked together to amass a political force of millions of people and dollars to specifically form coalitions to overtake and replace the constitutionally mandated government of the United States. It is that unexpected national and international phenomenon which they used to get the unprecedented amount of money and people to help push them into the White House (almost).

Unlike Rev. Harry Jackson, I believe it is crucial that Americans keep digging and, if dirt turns up, then we will all be the better for it. What's more, until and unless Obama and his enablers account for the many holes in his life which have all been deliberately left unaddressed, then America's welfare and defense will always remain in doubt as long as Obama sits in the Oval Office as the President and Commander in Chief. And we can do no less than to demand full disclosure, because our government and the mainstream media have been remiss in that regard.

Christian conservatives cannot afford to either let up or tone down our witness. If anything, we must increase it as we serve God daily and continue to work in every area of life to make a definite difference. This is not the time for the Christians to turn to secularism for solutions. For, if we are intimidated or harassed into being silent, then the blackness that covers the earth now would totally engulf us and the generations to come, if the Lord tarries. What's more, while the ungodly folk work as hard as they do to remove every reminder of God from the land and the minds of mankind, they have hijacked all that is Godly and have remade it for their purposes into a humanist and secularist covering for gullible Americans.

Christians are God-fearing people who will neither be silenced in the face of oppression nor allow our faith to ever be squelched. We will neither allow our individual freedoms to be stripped nor will we be bullied into being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Personal Savior.

Our Good Fight of Faith Continues For the --

  • truth to be manifested surrounding Barack Obama.
  • right of all children to be born alive and to live beyond abortions.
  • People like the late, semi-comatose Terri Schiavo to remain alive.
  • leaders like Judge Roy Moore who fought against Alabama removing the 10 Commandments monument from his courthouse.
  • American flag to not be burned and trampled on.
  • Christian church to remain free to PREACH and live pleasing in the sight of God and man.
  • American youth to be saved from the sexual perversion of every filthy sort.
  • God to be uppermost in the family, church, school, government, business, and every area of life of all who know and love God.

I have been a Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for more than 20 years. Even from the beginning, my walk as a black Baptist woman cleric has never been easy. But, my trust, faith, and love of God is what keeps me faithful even when the hell hounds are on my trail. And, I hope to never allow anybody or anything to make me veer away from my faith or compromise my love of God to please any human or organization, including the church.

Too many Christians and others in this whole world are being led to believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ is not enough to save all mankind. But, if that were true, then we would need to give up, change our profession of faith, and hide our name as Christians who demonstrate that God is real, alive, and in total control of all things in heaven and on earth, including any human no matter how sincerely they might believe they will live forever on their own power. Not so!

Why Is the Obama for America Campaign Still Soliciting Donations From People and Still Acting in the Campaign Mode?

Even though, as of this date, Obama is not yet officially the President of the United States, the Presidential Campaign is over. Yet, they are still sending out solicitations for donations from his (Obama's) email addy. They continue to act as if there is no rule of law to abide by. But, the Obama faction and all those who have tried to place him on the Throne of heaven down here on earth must understand that many of us have lived through the Nixonian Presidency and the resultant Watergate flush. We remember when Vice President Spiro Agnew tried to intervene early on in Nixon's behalf by attempting to shut up the press. It sounded ridiculous at the time and even Agnew was eventually caught up in an investigation that led to him having to plead Nolo Contendre and he had to bid an early adieu to this nation. As I recall, Nixon had capitulated to a cover up which led to his eventually having to step down as President before his second term ended or else he would have had to face Impeachment proceedings (with a capital "I").

Obama and his Chicago gang need to know that, as a Godly, elderly woman has often said, "You might get by, but you won't get away." I like to remind people that Nixon didn't go to jail! But all of his men who obeyed his illegitimate orders served time. They need to understand from the outset that Americans will never settle for anyone in that Office of President who thinks they can use that power to abuse others. They will never accept any leader in that Office who thinks they are above the law and that they can lead Americans astray from the Godly and the Constitutional paths.

No matter what they and the United States Congress would say about it, this is neither a banana republic nor a third world regime as with Idi Amin or any socialist dictatorship of Hugo Chavez or communist dictatorship of the Castro brothers. Americans are peace-loving people, but they will fight the forces of Hell to preserve whole our life in Christ Jesus knowing that we shall prevail, if we do not faint in the midst of the battle. For, we know that we are already winners in the Lord. Triumphantly so! And God is our Guide.

Christians, be encouraged. Stay alert and stay on guard. God is not dead. He has not failed us. But, too many of mankind have failed God and us. Continue to "Fight the good fight of faith" with every ounce of the power and the authority given you by almighty God. And, if you personally reject that and never intend to do that, then no matter who you are, then step aside and move out of my way, because play time is over and I'm going through!

God bless our military wherever they serve.
God bless America. God bless Americans.
God bless all who know and love God, and
God bless all who need to know God to love Him!

Read more. . .

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Obama Ushers in American Communism

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

photo: The White House

Standing inside of the Oval Office as a newly elected President of the United States is not the time for that person to begin to learn about what it means to be a free American. Such fundamental knowledge and wisdom has to come in with the President on Day 1, and before taking the all-important oath of office. In fact, citizens have to be clear about where that person stands on issues to know whether or not they can trust the new President with that job. As we approach Inauguration Day, that does not appear to be the case with Barack Obama.

No potential President will ever be qualified to have oversight of the defense of this nation who refuses to make a personal, honest, and decisive commitment to the American constituency beyond party affiliation, our nation and God, or does not, in earnest, pledge to protect and preserve the United States constitution, and to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic, so help me God.

For centuries, America has been known and respected as the leader of the free world. At the same time, she has been denigrated by people she has welcomed onto these shores who, themselves, have masqueraded as Americans to cover up their ongoing attempts to destroy this nation from within and without. As a result, too many trusting Americans have been blinded by an onslaught of revolutionaries in the form of Black Nationalists, Black Muslims, Black Panthers, Islamists, Socialists, Communists and even friends embedded within the fabric of the religious, political, legal, judicial, economical, and educational ranks of America.

What Does This Have To Do With An Obama Administration?

Throughout his primary and general 2008 presidential campaigns, Obama repeatedly stated "This is not about me, but it is about all of you." Actually, I believe he knew it was always about him. And, now that he is being touted as the President-elect, his unstated goal should be all the more troubling to every American who cares about the safety of this nation.

After Obama came to live on the Mainland, having lived in Hawaii, the 50Th state, with his maternal side of the family after they reportedly had moved there from Leavenworth, Kansas, before his birth, he set out on a mission to change this nation in a way most Americans never really had to give much thought to, because they must have believed that our political leaders would be true to their oath to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic.

Before Obama grew up and entered Harvard University and the other colleges before then, he already knew about the differences between Marxism, Leninism, Alinsky Socialism, American Capitalism, and Russian Communism from the days of his childhood, when he experienced life under Socialist dictatorships and friendships.

He learned enough early in life to know that Socialism was introduced into the world merely to be the means to institute Communism into the mainstream of a Democratic nation. And, as the child of Socialism, he understood that it would not take too much longer before Communism would gain a stronghold in American society. After all, he knew what clues to watch for.

No doubt Obama has made a life-long study of Socialism by reason of his birth offshore and foreign heritage through his Kenyan Muslim Luo father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., and Muslim family members and African traditions; and, also, through his Indonesian Muslim stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. Obama became a child of foreign civilian unrest, war, Socialist dictatorships, and revolutions in that part of the world where he has lived or visited outside of the United States. And, despite protestations and denials to the contrary by Obama and many of his supporters to deflect criticism and objections, his principal goal has remained to become the leader who would usher Communism into America.

Can we surmise that Obama and his partners do not know that? Or shall we take him at his much televised word to "Joe the Plumber" and, subsequently, the entire nation during his recent campaign where he was caught on video stating that he intends to "spread the wealth around" by taking from those who have and giving to the have nots and, also, by heavily taxing the rich?

The GEN X babies, including the 1960s, of which Obama is also one, might not think so but their parents and grandparents have known the blessings from the American way of life to pursue constitutional liberty, freedom, and everything that is righteous and just. Obama appears to have had every possible advantage and, yet, he has refused to recognize the blessings of being American.

How can we know that to be the case? By his actions, speeches, and the books he has written, we can ascertain that his life's work has been directed towards destroying, and not building up, this nation. And that's just from the part we do know about him. But, we ought not have to try to fill in the blanks of a man who is set to be President of America!

After nearly 20 months of Obama campaigning and making promises to the American people that he made just to become President while having served as a former state of Illinois Senator and as a current United States Senator in Washington, D.C., he has already begun to disavow his statements about his promise to begin a draw down of American troops from Iraq by a date certain, and he had said that his own lack of administrative and foreign experience did not matter. He also maintained that he could quickly turn around the nation's economic crisis, among other quickly forgotten promises that he had made while on the stump.

Throughout all of that time during the campaigns and now, the mainstream news media spent the majority of their time talking about mundane political and nonpolitical personalities rather than focusing on crucial issues concerning Obama's qualifications to have been in the Presidential race in the first place.

Consequently, many of the people gathered up by his political party, professional "partners," and from among anybody they could find from living in dorms to living on park benches and in cardboard boxes. Many of their voters knew little to nothing about Obama or other current Democratic Party officials. Yet, he is embraced by the same media, politicians, and a lot of citizens, as being a credible candidate who is qualified to serve in office following President George W. Bush's term expiration on January 20, 2009.

The United States Constitution Is A Lasting Force Unto Itself

Our nation has just suffered through what has to be the most aggressive election in this nation ever, because more Americans had begun to understand how much their constitutional foundations and freedoms were at risk in the hands of Barack Obama. Yes, he is a black, skilled community organizer and orator. He knows what words to say which will grip the hearts of people to listen, hear, and to follow behind him all the way to Hell, if need be. So, here we are. Socialism, having done its job, is in the rear-view mirror moving behind us. But Americans need to understand that we are looking into the very face of the full-blown incoming Communism on our Homeland, mainly because too many elected leaders fell asleep at the switch and many still are.

Along with the questionable results of the 2008 Presidential and Congressional elections, we are also watchful of further conspiratorial attempts to destroy Capitalism, to turn away from the fading days of Socialism that is silently standing around the fringes of society while waiting for the incoming Communism to enter. It is to be the change that Obama promised would be our new way of life but without uttering that word. Nevertheless, we remain mindful that this close call to an overthrow of our government is the result of too many media and politicians having ignored the heinous prospect of Obama trying to make that switch either in the light of day or from under the cover of darkness.

Our constitution has not just begun to come under assault from among many dissident factions. It has been slowly building over many years and the anarchists have just changed their tactics. They have replaced their outside uniforms and banners with the outward clothing of education and self-made, pretentious respectability and cooperation in order for them to be able to gain the support of the American people to go along with their silently growing anarchistic agenda, which still remains as their intended violent revolution to overthrow the United States government via either mandated legislative changes to the constitution or, heaven forbid, by Executive Order.

Unless organizations and individuals honestly and openly declare their true agenda beforehand by publishing it when seeking any elected or appointed office, we can conclude only that any gains they may make to any such political positions would be fraudulent, illegal, and against the rule of law for lack of full disclosure. After all, they would be vying to obtain what constitutes as a contract with the American people.

From Socialism to Communism Birthed in the United States

During the late 1940s to the mid-1950s, following many ongoing Congressional subcommittee hearings pertaining to unAmerican activities and sedition filed against suspected and real Communists and Socialists, all Americans understood those agendas would never progress in this country as long as the entire nation was made aware that their freedoms were being severely threatened. So, those adverse revolutionary organizations began to change their format and work to maintain their agendas by, first, changing their original political terminology. And, after they had redefined their missions, goals, and intentions, they attached themselves onto the Democratic Party, because they had become known as the party of the working class people. Eventually, the Democratic Party split and what we see in Obama's half of the party is what has become known as the progressive New Left Democratic Socialist plank or the more-than-far left. It was devised to conform to whatever it took for their party to side step any possible objections from elected officials and citizens whether coming from the Right, moderates, or centrists in the United States Congress who also were elected to represent their American constituents.

On August 1, 1961, The New York Times, when it was known to have been more of a credible journalistic source, published an article entitled, "Text of Soviet Party's Draft Program," developed by then Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev from a Leninist document.

Overtime, planks from the Socialist and Communist programs have been adopted and publicly articulated by Obama. They are also supported by the majority of the Democratic Party. Yet, the mainstream news media have refused to do their homework.

Journalistic investigations in America, with all of their available syndication billions of dollars and people, and highly technological communication tools, have lain dormant, except to praise and raise Obama up as the national and international savior of the United States and the entire world. Never mind that so much of that propagandist copy has been provided from the pens of Obama's own publicists. More the pity, Obama has believed his own press despite the fact that his words and actions belie their flowery assertions about him and his campaign.

Let me review for you some of those Communistic platforms quoted from the Soviet Party's Draft Program. Although this article was published in 1961 and the USSR has since been broken up as a nation, when that paper is read within today's context of Barack Obama's New Left agenda, it just might provide the impetus needed for Americans to finally get informed and understand the seriousness of these changing political times in which we find ourselves. However, Khruschev's revision of Lenin's Socialist plans, as written, remain relevant to Obama's unsettling plans. The article is quoted, in part, as follows:

  • The Socialist world is expanding; the capitalist work is shrinking. Socialism will inevitably succeed capitalism everywhere. Such is the objective law of social development. Imperialism is powerless to check the irresistable process of emancipation.
  • The development of the world Socialist system and the world capitalist system is governed by diametrically opposed laws.
  • The world Socialist system is advancing steadfastly toward decisive victory in the economic competition with capitalism.
  • Soviet experience has shown that the working class can fulfill its historical mission as the builder of a new society only in a sound alliance with the nonproletarian working masses, primarly the peasantry.
  • Soviet experience has shown that the Socialist state is the main instrument for the Socialist transformation of society. The state organizes and unites the masses, exercises planned leadership of economic and cultural construction, and safeguards the revolutionary gains of the people.
  • Soviet experience has fully borne out the Marxist-Leninist theory that the Communist party plays a decisive role in the formation and development of Socialist society. Only a party that steadfastly pursues a class, proletarian policy, and is equipped with progressive, revolutionary theory, only a party solidly united and closely linked with the masses, can organize the people and lead them to the victory of Socialism.
  • The experience of the world Socialist system has confirmed the need for the closest unity of countries that fall away from capitalism, for the united effort in the building of Socialism and Communism.
  • In the many countries, the liberation movement of the peoples that have awakened proceeds under the flag of nationalism . . . . the nationalism of an oppressed nation contains a general democratic element directed against oppression, and Communists support it because they consider it historically justified at any given stage.
  • The chief ideological and political weapon of imperialism is anti-Communism, which consists mainly in slandering the Socialist system and distorting the policy and objectives, of the Communist parties and Marx-Leninist theory.

While many of our political leaders have begun to awaken, in too many cases it is only to bicker among themselves in the halls of the state, local, and federal legislatures concerning which of them would get the most pork for themselves, their friends, and colleagues. American citizens can do little more than just watch as their rights and employment are being stripped away through the enactment of new laws with the stroke of a pen in the hands of a new sitting American President.

Any proposed changes in the law by a prospective Obama administration which seeks to affect changes made with the intent to foment the overthrow of the government would be contrary to the constitution. It must no longer remain the case that, even after citizens have obtained credible evidence and documentation of any such attempts by the government, they must remain without any avenues of legal redress to correct the matter. But, who can we trust in America to legitimately right these ongoing wrongs and help place America back on course? Must Americans, by default, fall into the arms of Communism by din of Democratic Party trickery?

Nevertheless, what remains irrefutable is that Americans have placed the keys in Obama's hands to change America, to change even the constitution, and to change our form of government from Capitalism, and worst of all to stand by and watch as Obama tries to usher in Communism.

Shall we now face an American inauguration or an American incarceration?

Read more. . .

Monday, November 10, 2008

Join GrassFire's Conservative Resistance to Obama

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

I am not going to silently sit by as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid follow through with their plans to re-make our nation into their New Left Democratic image aka Socialism. Serious times are up ahead for Americans, because their support of Obama's stated plans foster anarchy and an overthrow of our United States constitutional government. These allegations are supported by researched documentation to show how Obama's projected changes will have an adverse affect on every area of our life in America. Read more. . .

Obama has repeatedly said he was forming "a movement," but his movement actually began over 20 years ago. It was envisioned by confessed Socialist Saul Alinsky in 1936, to be instituted via community organizers. Alinsky is also known as "The Father of Community Organizers."

That career grew rapidly during the 1960s, when the Democratic Socialist plank was put forth during the Democratic National Convention. And, it has neared its purposed fuition as of November 4, 2008, with the election of (both) Barack and Michelle Obama. Joe Biden is just an afterthought to them and a means to an end. Stay alert!

Search the Net starting with ACORN and see how many national and global "partnerships" they have helped to form and, in many cases, manage. Now is the time to unify and stay together to support our Republican elected and appointed leaders.

When Congress reconvenes in 2009 under a new administration, we need not be caught unprepared to respond to the New Left Democratic political planks and pranks. Obama has helped to formed a coalition of millions of people who stand ready to respond to their call within seconds. And, we are now without excuse to be able to do the same thing.

That is why I have decided to unite with this newly formed grassroots conservative movement. Together, we can all help to lawfully counteract and RESIST Obama's New Left Democratic liberal agenda in place for them to eventually restructure and "change" our government from being its constitutional form of representative via our elected leaders to becoming participatory via the various exclusive national and global coalitions made up of individuals and organizations brought together by the Obama faction to make policies and decisions on the basis of coalitions rather than by our duly elected Congress.

This is not a pretty picture. Obama, his wife Michelle, and the Democratic Party have had a 20-year start on putting together their "movement," as has been demonstrated during the 2008 Election. What's more, the DEMS stick together like glue. We saw it in action during the impeachment hearings of former President Bill Clinton.

No matter how wrong he was (i.e., lied), that party and his wife stood by him. But, when Republicans were accused of anything at all, the DEMS jumped at the chance to call for their apology AND expulsion or resignation. And each time, the Republican leadership capitulated -- even when no offense had been done. Even now, they allow DEMS to define for them who they are and what they believe regardless of the fact that they are blatantly speaking about their OWN atrocious actions.

It is time for our side to learn from the past and not be bullied by the DEMS who project onto conservatives their own liberal ideas. Now, conservatives have awakened in ObamaSHAME!

Therefore, Republicans have a lot of catching up to be ready for the next wave of attacks coming against democracy and our American Constitutional Republic. Go to signup at Grassfire.Org. Thank you!

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Don't Waste Praying On Obama. Pray for Yourself!

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

"Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away. For no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beautiful appearance perishes. So the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits." - James Chapter 1 vv. 9-11

Following the 2008 election and the announced nominee Barack Obama as the "Winner," Americans are now in the time of reflection. Wednesday, when I was in a local bookstore, I asked the young, white clerk if he had voted? He answered that he had. I then asked how he felt about the result. He answered that he didn't even know anything about the one who was elected but that he had been told he would bring change. So, he said he thought it was time for a change and voted for him (Obama).
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


By Rev. Lainie Dowell

The Main Stream News Media Has Lost America For Americans With OBAMASHAME!!

Not a matter of Race? Says who but the race baiters and the race mongers who want to be in control? Keep alert! Not every black person, myself included, accepts that just any black person should be considered on the basis of skin color. Don't blame it on me and my household. Now, should we tell the Americans that everything documented and left unaddressed by Obama was a lie? Not so! Watch and Pray!

During the campaign, Obama told his audience that he had been called every name in the book. But I can think of at least one name Obama wasn't called, because it was censored and wiped out of the dictionary but not out of my mind or vocabulary!

This man has been proud to foster everything that is anathema to the American way of life. He supports the abortion agenda, homosexual "(un)civil rights," a warped sense of history, blackness agendas that foster hatred of anything that is not black, and a profound disregard of American military and security.

The American people who did not understand that this election is the culmination of all that began in the 1960s will finally get the point now. Alinsky knew that the momentum towards political leadership would come through coalitions and money. Thus, Alinsky gave birth to the career field of "community organizers" as far back as 1936. And it is through those dedicated factors that this inadequate, unprepared black man, Barack Obama, who has demonstrated how he and his party are untrustworthy during their campaign for the highest office in America, is now expected to lead this nation into trustworthiness(?)

The Judeo-Christian community has a job to do starting with keeping faith with our God. Now is not the time to let go of your faith in God. Now is the time to let go and let God.

Nevertheless, more than ever this is the time for us to hold together and to hold all of our elected leaders' feet to the fire of integrity, honesty, and accountability for this grave responsibility.

Infighting among believers has to stop. Blaming and shaming people of faith must stop. Silence in the face of evil can no longer be acceptable. Americans now must coalese around -- not race -- but religion. The Judeo-Christian mores, morals, traditions, values, and faith is what brought us this far.

Today, God's House is secularized. Not too long ago, a news report came out that Preachers had convened a meeting in a movie theater to talk about holding church services in movie houses across the nation. The fact that homosexuals are pushing for "civil unions," signals their disdain for the word and work of God and reveals their disdain for the way of God in every area of life -- which includes that disregarded fact that marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman. And, what does "civil union" mean for the man and woman who goes to the courthouse to be married? Will that be made out to mean they were not married in the eyes of God, because they did not get married in a church? It could come to mean such an atrocious thing, if homosexuals were allowed to redefine marriage.

When you tell a lie long enough, people will begin to believe it is true and cite that lie in every argument to justify the lie. But, whenever you start out with the wrong premise, you will end up wrong everytime. The homosexual community succeeded in making inroads towards acceptance when they convinced political factions their cause was based on "civil rights" rather than a matter of right and wrong. They convinced school children there is no such thing as right and wrong but it was a matter of whatever a person wanted to do was right for them and they were the only ones who mattered. SHAME! Homosexuality was never right and never will be, except by illegal laws of man over just and righteous laws of God.

It Is Time to Know the Truth From Lies and to Live Truth ---

Remember, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King preached Christ Jesus and His sacrifice for all of mankind who love God. Too many have forgotten that Rev. King was a man of God. During his lifetime, he understood the difference between God and Satan, good and evil, heaven and hell, life and death, and truth and lies.

Voices that have been crying out in the wilderness for a Godly change and repentence will continue to be raised, but this time, I pray that those voices will be heard and lifted up by every hearer and carried along to the ears of every border whether near or far. And, in the days to come, when under an Obamaville Administration, censorship may be the rule of the day at his command, and isolation will create the likes of creativity such as never before seen in America in order to keep truth alive and living in this "land of the free and home of the brave."

I live in Maryland. It is called "the Free State," but it is anything but free. Now is the time for all people who love God and America to remain alert and alive to remember the constitutional purpose for which America was founded by our forefathers for all of her citizens.

When America's children during the 1960's Wood Stock era took to the streets of America during the Viet Nam War era, they set the pattern for the children of the 1970s and 1980s, which told America to kiss their foot. And we find ourselves in the throes of an evil revealed and ignored but yet to fully come to fruition. And none but God will stop it.

Say what you will about this tome, but it is said and held to until and unless this man loves God and America more than party affiliation. We shall see what we shall see.

And know this, also. That, in the days to come, when the stories come trickling out about our being pushed as a nation onto the road to Socialism and dictatorship, that is the "change" which Obama promised without personal disclosure. And, if my voice is cut off from the discourse by the Friends of BHO, then just send up the smoke signals or sit down and pray. God knows He will always be the way.

Thank God for the respite between November 4th, 2008 and January 20, 2009, when the transition is complete and the new administration takes over. For now, we can breathe free and thank God that President George W. Bush is still at the helm, because until then, we only have one President at the time --- and Bush is the ONE. Hopefully, he will not be the last President who knows the Godly purpose of America.

God bless our men and women who stand in the defense of our nation at home and abroad. May God grant them peace.

Praying without ceasing for God's blessings on America!

Read more. . .

Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama, The Boy Who Fooled America And Lost His Place

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

If you don't define yourself, there will always be somebody standing ready to tell you who you are!

Barack Obama, the professional community organizer-propagandist, has proved how much he knows his stock in trade. All of America has not yet voted and, yet, he has contracted for the white tents to be raised in Chicago to accommodate thousands of invited guests to celebrate a projected win for Obama to lead a nation he has said is full of "Bush's failed policies." To let Obama tell it, our nation is bankrupt. However, he and Michelle have managed to amass a fortune and they live in a mansion, because of the supposedly "little" contributions the American people have sent their way.

Really?! How gullible have Americans become that they would be blinded to "the color of (Obama's) skin" over and above "the content of (his shameless) character" and then attribute it to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all those whose blood ran down the sidewalks of America and across the world in order to keep America free and from out of the hands of slicksters like Obama?
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama, His Betrayal, And America's Final Question

(Barack Obama with Mike Gravel)

By Rev. Lainie Dowell

Barack Hussein Obama has gotten closer to potentially becoming President of the United States and moving into the Oval Office. Although there are some that would question whether or not Senator Obama has been granted security clearances –- as a US Senator, he is afforded the basic clearances every member of the Senate is provided. However, his publicized relationships with radicals, subversives and enemies of the state lead many to question the wisdom of his holding any clearance at all. 
UPDATE: October 31, 2008 --
Former President Bill Clinton (D), when introducing Sen. Barack Obama, gave him a chilling backwards compliment. Clinton told the people at that televised rally that he recently heard Obama telling his assembled economic advisors, "Tell me what to do and I'll figure out how to sell it." Is America buying a pig in the poke?

UPDATE: November 1, 2008 - Worth Noting!
Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger (R-CA) told McCain-Palin Rally attendees that he left his homeland to get away from Socialism and he did not want to see it come to America! Think about it. Pass it on. Keep Americans FREE and God-fearing!

Current evidence reveals he has not kept secret his ongoing plans which could very well lead to overthrow of our constitutional government, which serves to betray the oath he has taken at least twice to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution.

As a nation, we have stood by for many months during the Election 2008 process and listened to Obama, Joe Biden, and the Democrats circumvent truth every chance they got. Still, many citizens, young and old, gravitated toward their rallies and hailed Obama as the One whose pied piper stance and microphoned messages drew them to him like so many hypnotized zombies drawn to the pitch black graveyard.


Have you read The National Initiative by Former United States Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK)(1969-1981)? And, what are our elected leaders going to do about that?!

Although that paper has been making the rounds of certain aspects within American society, this nation as a whole has not known about it. However, as recently as October 1, 2008, Gravel reportedly presented his paper to an audience in Aarau, Switzerland. As pictured above, Gravel and his Congressional friend, Barack Obama, are in agreement with the tenets that he has put forth, and those initiatives are getting closer to becoming the new law of the land.

If Americans were to research the newspapers published during the time Obama was born (1960s) and when he was growing up in various nations around the world, they would realize that Obama comes from a background and from among people who lived where there were revolutions, uprisings, terrorism, Islamists, and Muslims. It was during the time in Indonesia when books were confiscated, banned, and burned. Religion was closely monitored and millions of youth "volunteers" were dispatched by Sukarno in order to partner with him in governance. This is what Obama proposes for America.

This is an important reminder for us today, because, as an impressionable young child during the 1960s and forward, Obama was, no doubt, heavily influenced by such a volatile environment during that time, also, when America was touted by his countrymen as being the enemy of the likes of Indonesia, Pakistan, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and by American radicals opposed to the Vietnam War and, much later, Desert Storm and the current War Against Terror.

Now, Obama and his wife, Michelle, have prided themselves with creating and training coalitions, partnerships, and volunteers across the nation and throughout the world. And they are all ready for the signal from Obama to come and go at their bidding for whatever they release them to do. Barack Obama does not appear to be the kind of man who takes "No" as an answer.

Not too many people should be surprised by that remark, because the nation has already seen during Obama's campaigning how their methodology works. In fact, he has already committed to using those millions of young people they have amassed to make up a new form of governance under an Obama administration, where he says he will "govern from the bottom up." And, if he should become the new President, then the National Initiative along with his massive coalitions will continue working together to forever change this form of constitutional government to move it from capitalist to socialist for the duration. If Obama becomes the President, then who will this nation have to stand up and speak out against these things and dare to face his punishment of censorship and, perhaps, even be jailed as a dissenter or seditionist or traitor, in his mind?


The premise of the National Initiative includes Mike Gravel's following remarks:

  • "Citizens can gain control of their government by becoming lawmakers, empowered to make laws for their own benefit."

  • "This generation of Americans must complete the work of the founders by bringing American citizens into the operations of government as lawmakers in a governing partnership with our elected officials."

  • "The people, themselves, must enact the federal ballot initiative called National Initiative for Democracy, a proposed law that my colleagues and i have developed and refined over the past decade to empower citizens as lawmakers in every government jurisdiction of the United States in a partnership with their elected officials."

  • "The National Initiative is a legislative package sponsored by the Democratic Foundation , a non-profit IRS 501c(3) corporation that includes an amendment to the Constitution and a federal statute."

  • "The National initiative electoral process began on September 17, 2002, allowing people to use the Internet to vote. The successful use of this ubiquitous technology now depends on supporters networking with their friends, relatives, colleagues and organizations and informing them that citizens can be empowered to vote on all the policy issues that affect their lives by voting to enact the National Initiative."

Most Americans have expressed concerns about the influence of the many past radical friendships of Obama and, yet, they have no idea about these ongoing attempts to do away with our representative government with elected officials in the United States Congress. They are doing all they can to silently undercut the safety and security of our government and transform it into what they call, "direct governance by citizen lawmakers."

If Americans and the majority of the trustworthy politicians knew about, and took the time to review, this advancing and unlawful constitutional amendment and federal statute, then it would fail to make its way throughout Congress where it is hoped that appearance would enable legislators to share governance with citizens as "lawmakers."

All citizens must be informed about this and then we could be certain the majority of them would not hesitate to say No Obama vote on election day.

Spread the news now before it is too late for America, because if I am right, then Election Night will be too late, if Obama becomes President. And, if I am wrong about this, then please prove it!!

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama And His Silly White Women Behind Him


By Rev. Lainie Dowell

2 Timothy Chapter 3, vv. 1-9

1) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2) For men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3) without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4) traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5) having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof -- from such turn away. 6) For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7) ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8) Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, [Ex. 7.11] so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9) But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.

I dared to venture over to the Final Call website to read what Louis Farrakhan had to say about the current events regarding Barack Obama's candidacy to become elected as President of the United States. There, I came across an article entitled, "White women speak up for Obama," By Nisa Islam Muhammad, Staff Writer. As I read that article, I began to feel as if I had been transported in time all the way back to the 1960s, when blacks were still fighting to be able to "Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud," compliments of the late James Brown, singer and activist.

Editor's Note:
Commentaries published here are substantiated with documentation. Any visitor is welcomed to share differing opinions along with their substantiating documentation. Anonymous comments will no longer be allowed. /s/ -Rev. L. Dowell, Founder-Editor

When the late Mrs. Rosa Parks remained seated on her bus ride home one day because she was tired, she knew she had gone the distance and couldn't go any further even to save her own life. No doubt a whole lot of black women and men, and whites, too, felt the same as she during the civil rights era. But, perhaps, they had not reached the end of their road as she had done that day.

She refused to give up her seat then. But when they finally got her up, put her off the bus, and took her to jail, an entire nation rose up with her and came to her defense. And when Americans rose up in her defense, being led by a black Preacher, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it was done beyond race, religion, creed, color, or national origin. And it began to change things in America for the betterment of all citizens. Even so, cynics remain today who reject Dr. King's motives and manners of yesterday, because they were not the villified and glorified ones in Dr. King's place.

In 2008, despite all of that marching, lynching, winning, and overcoming, we still have not overcome. Why? Because, in the midst of the movement, a whole new generation of Americans came up from behind us. They had never felt the lash from a whip across their black backs while laboring in some cotton field or hovering over a big black pot-bellied stove in the heat of the day. They had never even seen that tin tub that sat beside that stove to be made readied for Saturday night baths.They had never gotten their black backs stomped into the dirt under some Master's boot (whether black or white). They were never strapped up to a Sycamore tree to be hung there and dried, as the song goes, "strange fruit."

But, when many from this new breed who were born of the 1960s came from out of the womb as innocent babes, they went on to their hard won entre into the halls of higher education. And there in those hallowed halls of higher learning, many stumbled into the waiting arms of black and white men and women who had made a career out of agitating for civil rights all across this nation.

They became professors, lawyers, doctors, judges, theologians, academicians, mayors, teachers and even legislators, yet they refused to let go of that perilous past in order to be able to live and to help others to live in a better future that has been provided through the shed blood and spilt tears and long restless nights of Godly parents worrying and praying about their children's safety and general welfare when they placed them in their hands. And, we need not give any of them a pass to take us all the way back into those evil days of race baiting, racial hatred, and the resultant senseless deaths of both the victims and their defenders.

Why Can't We Overcome As An American Nation?

With the help of the MSM and the educational system from top to bottom who are hyping the supposed black leadership of Obama coming on the horizon, we have now arrived at the tenuous crossroads of "We Shall Overcome" and "We Overcame."  
But have we really? Or, is that just wishful thinking on the part of those silly white women who must have forgotten Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam is the same man who called them "blue-eyed white devils" and called the Jewish religion "gutter religion." Those women and all the rest of the supporters of Obama from every sector of society who would choose this black man, Obama, who not only is not qualified but he is also not qualifiable over the well-qualified white woman named, Gov. Sarah Palin, who is in a far better position to lead this nation than Obama. So much for women's lib and feminist banter!

They have no idea what they have wrought by linking arm in arm with Obama and the Democratic New Left ideology at a time when their votes should be counted for the good of all Americans.

If anybody really believes that Race is not an issue in this 2008 election, then they are grossly deceived, because that denial is being used as a shield to deflect criticism from the Obamaniacs when they spew out their accusations of racism against whites and anybody else who won't go along with their predominantly black agendas, which many have yet to understand their agendas have been in place for decades. And they have made no secret that those plans are in place to the exclusion of everybody else except the blacks and all those whom they now call "people of color." But, is that what the majority of Americans want for America? I believe not!

During the '60s and '70s, the Black Panthers were running around with their black fists pumped up in the air in defiance of the supposedly white culture. Now those same despised symbols of all things thought to be white have become the avenue by which the same black men and women have adopted as a part of their movement to increase their credibility and respectability to engage them through the political process.

However, at the height of the civil rights era, the symbols of the black movement for black manhood at that time were a mile-high afro, a "piece" at the ready somewhere on their person, a loud in-your-face style of intimidation, and a white woman on both arms while the "sisters" stood silently nearby and watched all of them as the "brothers" turned around and terrorized them and took out their abusive and abrasive hits against their black womanhood whenever they felt like it.

Somewhere in the mix, on one end was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with both his detractors and supporters following behind, and on the other end were Min. Louis Farrakhan, Malcolm X, and the Nation of Islam. In between were the Black Panthers, the Black Nationalists, and the Black Muslims. And, surrounding all of them were the FBI and the KKK. How soon we forget.

Most people on the black band wagon, when they want to justify putting Obama, a black man in the White House, quote from Rev. Dr. MLK Jr. on the subject of race. However, they seem to have written out that part Dr. King had spoken about the "content of their character" being prized over and above the color of one's skin. Nevertheless, many people have hopped aboard the Obama express for no other reason but that he is a black man, despite all of their protestations to the contrary.

To make matters worse, Obama is a black man who lacks substance and continues to be exposed time and again as having no moral authority whatsoever to be elected and installed as the President of this nation. Moreover, if it were not for the negligence and, at the same time bias, of the news media, and their refusal to report the news about the candidates objectively and fairly from the start of the campaigning, then Obama's candidacy would have been stopped long before now.

Has anybody ever stopped long enough to consider that it is not a matter of folk being silent in the midst of ungodliness; but rather, it is a matter of voices that are sounding the alarm in the midst of a vacuum.

Who owns the communication tools? Why have newspapers, televisions, and radios become syndicated? Why are telephones and computers interlinked? How is it that only the rich and famous have access to the nation via publicists and agents? What would the American population do, if at any moment, the owners of those tools decided to pull the plugs?

We have become too trusting a nation. Our leaders on the local, state, and national levels have let us down. Is it too late to recoup our individual mindset? Or, must we allow ourselves to be hustled into the "oneness" mindset of any leader who wants only his mind and that of his supporters to be the only ONE mind set before all of us?

Is America For Sale to the Highest Bidder?

Ask the New Yorkers. Recently, they had to stand by and watch helplessly as their billionaire Mayor Bloomberg was instrumental in having his term in office extended by local lawmakers who overturned the will of the people in a 29-22 decision.  
Ask the Floridians. There is where the Obama campaign outright banned a local news station from having further interviews from their campaign, because they didn't like the straight forward questioning of Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden by the female news reporter. She inquired of Biden about his and Obama's goals for this country -- before, after, and during, their campaign. During the interview, Biden asked her if she was joking.  
Ask Shawn Hannity (Hannity and Colmes on Fox News TV). He has concluded, and rightly so, that "2008 is the year that journalism died."
Ask the American people who know and love America as the leader of the free world and who want to keep her thriving as a Republic under a democratic constitution. 
Ask me. I'll talk to God about it and wait on Him to get it straightened out. I'm done and, yet, "It is well with my soul." (-song)  
The decision is far past. By now, I believe the majority of voters already know where they'll cast their lot. It will be either on the Lord's side with McCain-Palin or else on Satan's side with Obama-Biden and all that they stand for.

Nevertheless, it remains to be seen that the long-time experience and patriotism of Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin would render them to be our best choice for the White House to serve as leaders of the free world, especially during this time of this nation's overwhelming vulnerability to forces both inside and outside of America.  
On to November 4, 2008! And from there, we will know whether we will begin to either rise or fall as a nation that, as never before, has been personally confronted with such evil from among her own citizens in its centuries old history.
Also read this article: "White Women Speak Up For Obama," By Nisa Islam Muhammad, Staff Writer at the Final Call website.
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Copyright (c) 2011 By Rev. Lainie Dowell.


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