By Rev. Lainie Dowell
To all those persons who are concerned, and rightly so, about the direction Barack Hussein Obama is taking this nation, I would remind you that he is just a man. There is a way to remove Barack Obama from office and it is in God's hands to get it done.
If the record that we have on hand about his life is correct, then this man has grown up in an environment in which he was the director instead of the directed. He is used to giving orders and having them obeyed and followed at his direction. It would appear that very few, if any, had ever had enough courage or temerity to say No to him in his life. He became used to having his way, with impunity and without accountability. And it still shows today.
However, that man who presently occupies the White House Oval Office is not as mysterious as he supposes and others seem to try to lend credence to in order to perpetuate their myth about him. His life is an open book and, thanks to this electronic age, even the pages he ripped out are not entirely unknown. Take for example his birth certificate. For all of those who refuse to pay attention to his blame and shame game, the matter is clear. His cover up in that regard, instead of keeping opponents at bey, has spurred them on to get to the bottom of his quest for secrecy about crucial events surrounding his entire life. Even those close to him may be unaware of his full story. Yet, he contains it all in his brain.
The man who would be President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America came into that position because he had duped so many into buying into his made up autobiography. Overtime, that narrative became a blur even to him and got all tangled up in fantasy, which appears to have continued until this day. Furthermore, it would also appear that he is hard pressed at times to know the difference between fact and fiction. Any mind that is as fanciful as Obama's has got to be placed on exhibition. Indeed, it must be placed in the centermost region of all that he professes to be. For, without adulation and adoration, his best plans will remain dormant, unfulfilled, and without the necessary power to become "all that he can be," as played out in his mind.
The worst thing a person who aspires to greatness can do is to become tucked away in a darkened room and remain totally ignored. Barack Obama had many years to be focused full time on what he planned to become in life. And what we are witnessing in him in this present day is the culmination of his heartfelt desire to enjoy full control over even that which he has no legal authority -- such as over the lives of free individuals or the authority over sovereign nations.
The Office of President of the United States is not one where that occupant has total control. There are constitutional boundaries which do not permit anyone to arbitrarily and unilaterally take it upon themself to suppose it to be all right for them to circumvent the rule of law to merely accomplish their own personal plans and purpose. They have taken an oath to faithfully and diligently conform to the Constitution and to the nation.
Throughout time immemorial, God has proved Himself to be God all by Himself. And, the nation will find that there are so many more people God has chosen to get out the trash more than the human mind could ever comprehend. But in God's perfect timing, we know that God Himself will sweep Obama and all of them out of the White House just like he did to Richard M. Nixon, who had personally taken upon himself so much liberty while serving in the Executive Branch of government, that he acted as if he believed he was the sole arbiter of all that occurred in this country without having to go through the checks and balances of representative congressional leadership -- members in the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate, and the Federal Judicial Branch. Instead, Nixon was to become the first man to resign from that office in humiliation rather than have to face proposed impeachment proceedings against him.
The entire story about Barack H. Obama is full of gaps. However, such an ambitious undertaking as his cannot remain hidden and encased in the shadows forever. And, in order for anybody to be able to sort out his facts from his fiction and the real deal, we would have to be able to have the documentation which he has kept from being examined in the formal vetting process of this government. Whether or not those in a position to do so have called for it, they are bound to protect the U.S. Constitution and to do all that is within their power to ensure any candidate who aspires and, indeed who is privileged to become elected to serve in the highest office of this land, meets the mandatory requirements. Few though they are, adherence to that qualifier is vital to the ongoing legal governance of this nation and its citizens.
By now, there are so many people who know so much about Obama's past and no more. But it is being uncovered bit by bit by watchdogs and investigative bloggers of which I am proud to be counted among them. In the final analysis, however, Barack Obama will be found to have outsmarted himself, because his friends and relatives are still around today who do know a lot about his sinister makeup. And they will no longer be able to keep it to themselves after it finally sinks in that, in the long term, they could also very well be considered as accessories to the fact, and partakers with Obama in collusion, conspiracy, and even obstruction of justice and treason. What a heavy load to bear and what a burdensome weight to carry around for so long on top of the rest of the cares of this world?
The world has more than enough people who are made in the likeness of Satan to be able to cover all of those who follow and protect Barack and his wife, Michelle, and their many Socialist - New Progressive - Communist partnerships and corporations. They rode in on the shadow of secrecy but when they are driven out, everybody will be able to see their corrupt makeup and feel a great sense of relief by their sudden departure.
For now, Barack Obama's transparency is showing. So, take a good look, because the entire world is looking to peer inside to see his shallow soul, too. And, if all we can do as a nation is to lament his ascendance -- or at least in his own mind -- then all that will ever happen will be for citizens and the world to watch as he destroys our nation. However, many more Americans have awakened to Obama's ultimate goal. And none of us will rest until he is removed from office along with all of his Chi-thugs with him. Moreover, if nothing else he and they will come to fully understand that America's God is far Superior to any they can ever find to bow down to. And they will never be able to legislate out from among us our faith in the Lord Jesus and any of the moral traditions and mores of this Judeo-Christian nation. Both the Barack Obama household and that of their friends and associates will call out and it shall be their last breath, for they have failed to heed the voice of our God in the day of His appearing in the midst of their back room double dipping and dealing to deceive the American people and, indeed, the entire world -- much to their shame. Moreover, they had better be very careful about what they do to God's people.
THUS SAITH THE LORD, Obama has a way but his is not God's way. And what's more, he shall never be able to get away. For thus saith the Lord, Marvel Not, for I the Lord thy God hath spoken and so it is. And it is so. Amen. And there is this --
Tell the world that the Lord shall be manifested in the earth such that none would be able to refute, dispute, or deny it is He who hath done it and not another. Amen.
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