By Rev. Lainie Dowell
I had just finished recording a brand new prophetic word given to me from the Lord. Then I turned on Fox Cable TV and Glen Beck was on. He was interviewing Rev. Stephen Broden, Pastor, Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church, of Dallas, Texas. Rev. Broden is currently a GOP candidate seeking office in the 2010 election. And I bear witness to his spirit that he is a man of God.
Beck's subject included a discussion around social justice versus the Gospel (of Jesus). Beck dared to raise the question, "What should religious leaders be preaching?" Very timely topic, but what those who profess to be Christian fail to understand even in 2010, is that no individual, corporation, religion or any other nonprofit affiliation or political body or nation is able to do with the man and woman of God what only God Himself has already done from before He called them to preach. For, although any given word might appear to suffice, it is not the way of God's beloved to just take it and feed it to the Lord's people.
The Christian church is in trouble today, because the people have rejected even the name of the foundation of our faith. His name is Jesus the Christ, and it is "the name above every name that is named." They have become a people who have "itching ears" and so they have called their own disciples and none of God's. So they sit in churches that are full, but the pews are empty. They have accepted into God's house the be bop, hip hop, rap, flip flop, and everything else that is neither Godly nor of God. Therefore, they are devoid of the Lord's Spirit such that they cannot discern what is and is not Godly. And, as a result, we find our nation and the world in a grave condition near death. But, although our world may be in a sad state in which America, also, finds herself, we are not without hope. Be encouraged.
Why Obama?
I am reminded that I have warned Obama at various times but especially on Wednesday, July 23, 2008, when I wrote "Obama, Don't Deceive Christians." He may not have seen it, read it, heard it, or had a chance to acknowledge it, but God's memory is long even when ours is not. Barack Obama helped to lead the Christian church into Black Liberation Theology. In the 1990s, he wrote a paper in which he surmised that the black church could have more political clout and influence, if the clergy were better organized to draw crowds. Enter the community organizer, Barack, and the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. While I was fighting the NAACP and the black Baptist denomination and political leaders, to stand up against what was happening in our churches and communities, I had no idea how it happened in the first place, until during the 2008 Presidential Election Campaign when Barack Obama reared his ugly head nationally. And, even though we have never met, our spirits have been at war ever since then. He brings with him death and destruction, and it doesn't matter how many are still deceived or even how few stand up against him. God and just one will make the majority every time.
In fact, anybody who truly knows God understands He really does not need even one. But that is God's perfect way to do so. He leaves a witness "to tell the story." And even if no one comes along side, the preacher will tell it to himself or herself, anyhow!
The preached word of God is just that. It is a message from the mouth of God to the ear of His beloved for the time, place, and people of His own choosing for them to hear it preached. What's more, preaching is not speaking, lecturing, singing, talking, or anything else. Preaching is exclusively from the Lord. Even when His word is preached in a worship service, it is often a word which is given to those whom God has "called, appointed, and anointed, and sent" forth for His own specific purpose. And the hearer(s) who discern will know, understand, and be glad to hear a word from heaven in answer to their questions and plea for a response many times before they have even called out loud for help.
It is not even understood yet that nobody calls themself to stand where God has not placed them. For, as one Clergy colleague once put it, "Some were sent! And some just went!" And, there is the caution, because the Gospel lets us know that only God sends His own. Moreover, many more Christians delight to let others know how much scholarship and education they have received in the faith from schools of higher learning, but that is also not what makes anyone a preacher (or not). And, it is for those that it remains true that -- as we also have heard from ole-time preachers -- "You'd best git your 'burning' before your learning."
Reprituksky (c) 2010 by Rev. Lainie Dowell
That new term (above) is a brand new word given to me from heaven and it comes full of meaning. Many believers I have encountered who failed to heed the word of the Lord have met with an early, pain-filled death, because of their disobedience to the Lord. Nevertheless, the choice is theirs to make whether to discern or not and to either accept or reject that word which is given. See another one-of-a-kind spiritual word that I received in 2004, and it is located on my site here. [ERASINITY! link is ]
Following is the prophetic word I had just received from the Lord earlier in the day, and I am being obedient to send it on. Take note that the results belong to God Himself, and not to me. God always confirms His word. I discern and make no excuses or apologies. Read the following message, as I recorded it, and I welcome confirmation, as led.
Reprituksky -- The Word of a combination. It means --The Word of the Lord God. It means -- (quote)A Prophetic Word Received by the Hand of the Lord's Servant,
My arm is at the gate and I the Lord shall tear open the shields that keep My people out. No gate is ever strong enough to stay My mighty hand, saith the Lord God.
Be that as it may! My people shall see the end of all oppressive measures to keep them from worshipping Me, saith the Lord.
Barack Obama has yet to heed. And he shall see that it is I the Lord thy God who speaks and not another.
If the Lord God be not real, then let the earth be no more and let My voice be forever silent in the Universe. But when I speak, saith the Lord God of all -- Then every ear shall indeed hear whether they want to or not. And, in that very hour shall none any more say that I the Lord Am dead but they shall know I live and yet speak in the land of the living and the dead. And, above all!
I Live Forevermore!
I Live and move among the wealthy and the poor.
I live among the weak and the strong.
I move among the crippled and the able.
Words have their meanings in Me, saith the Lord God and I vow to avenge each word that is rendered meaningless in the mouths of My beloved servants.
Blessed are they that hear and not cover their ears and not cover their lips. For My hand shall surely oh surely remove all of the impediments of their speaking and work their mouths by My own power, saith the Lord. Then shall none any more say that I the Lord thy God hath not done it.
Lainie! Warn them who revel in their own might that when I arrive at their door sill then shall they look and fear who have reviled all that the Lord have held near and dear to Mine own heart. Settle up time has reached into the very Throne Room.
The Word of the Lord God! Many have heard and they have sneered; but in the end, they have come to know that I the Lord thy God Am all that I have said I Am.
Fear ye the Lord All Ye Land!
INDEPENDENCE DAY 2010 - It shall be made manifest on November 2, 2010. Watch and see. Amen. (unquote)
Rev. Lainie Dowell, Five-Fold Minister
Voice Ink News Commentary
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 5:15 p.m. EST.
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