Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Barack and Michelle Obama Created Nightmares Out of Dr. King's Dream
By Reverend Lainie Dowell
2012 Is The Year of The Christian Conservative! Let the Godly pushback begin in earnest against the forces of Hell and carnality now running all across America and throughout the world.
For decades, both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party in America have allowed themselves to become bastardized by interlopers who knew their own unAmerican and ungodly platforms would be unacceptable and, therefore, rejected by the God-fearing and obedient American society and culture. So, those main political parties agreed to take unto themselves the underbelly of Hell. And, whether it was done knowingly or unknowingly, it does not matter. God knows. And so do we.
Those primary party affiliations and the Democrats, in particular, determined among themselves that freedom is not free but they could pay the cost as long as they could pull down more money and gather the masses of people to their election booths "by any means necessary;" that they could pull off all of the local, state, and national elections "legally" even where the people had previously rejected their platforms for office; and even where elections were held for everything from dog catcher to board members; and, even for candidates who ran for election for the Office of the President of the United States of America.
Enter the charismatic black President Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle, and all the forces of Hell gathered all around them.
The wicked will talk to money and ask, "Will you help me?" And the money will talk back to the wicked and answer, "Yes we can! BUT, will you trade us your soul?" And, upon hearing the conditions for getting money, people like Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle reply, "Yes we will!" They don't care that money is funny, when you leave God out of the transaction. With God in the midst, "banks may be too big to fail," but our God never fails! They may have sold their souls to the devil, but those who are truly Americans will never sell out.
President Barack Hussein Obama and his wife, Michelle Robinson Obama, and their "girls," as they call them, are figments of their own puny imagination. They have made themselves to be ungodly and unsightly branded products of deliberate lies, flawed judgment, and public corruption. What's more, the Obama's and their thuggish entourage exemplify the face of evil, as they continue to play house at the expense of the American taxpayers whose own needs are allowed to go unmet and are being systematically stripped away by those people who see themselves as king and queen of America where there are no such positions and which has never been the intent of our Founding Fathers to create any such positions here. Keep in mind that Obama's genealogy also takes him in as a British subject after his Kenyan parentage.
The Obamas are not very nice people at all. In fact, they are ugly and dishonest, as is their entire hijacked and ungodly Democrat Party. More the shame that a black man and a black woman finally made it into the White House. But, they became esconched in the American seat of honor and power by the use of black arts and black power. Those are among the traits which continue to be rejected by the majority in the same way that white power movements are no longer tolerated in our society. But, most of those white movements have either gone underground or else have tired of being bombarded by the many taunting accusations hurled at them such as "racists," "bigots," and "homophobes;" and, perhaps, they are resting up for a while. But, that taunting was done by none other than the higher-learning authors of those very terms used who are, themselves, masters of racism, homosexuality, and other name-calling Saul Alinsky games devised to shut up the mouths of their opponents, to shut down their venues, and to shut off their vast methods of communication.
So, black power and white power joined forces to misuse politics to come against and to abuse Godly Americans of every hue who strive to live according to God's law, the constitution, and the legal rule of law, which does not work to overturn the natural order of things. But, does the use of political vices make it right?! No sir! That is still wrong, ungodly, unconstitutional, and it goes against everything Americans know to be true. And, what's more, all of those people like the Obamas who feast at the swill served up to them from their Satanic troughs of lies will have Hell to pay for all that Satan has lent to them so they could carry out their destructive agendas against America and her people of faith who are not ashamed to declare Jesus is our Savior and Lord. And, Jesus is Savior and Lord to all who believe He is who He says He is.
Suffice it to say, Hell has been allowed to sit at the table of God's great goodness and to feast on the American citizens. The political election process became their entry doorway. The political polls became their ticket to enter. The pundits, punsters, and pollsters became their ticket masters who led them through the political doors to continue their deadly and dangerous games. You see, the political factions had set their unified sight upon the American citizens as their prey. They have tuned out the voices of WE The People who told them time and again that life in America is not a game for game sake and that we refuse to play their games.
Rev. Dr. MLK Jr. and The Godly Civil Rights Movement vs.
The Uncivil, UnGodly Rights Movements
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Dr. MLK Jr.) and the Civil Rights Movement now harbor a lot of civil wrongs masquerading as "legal" rights. The uncivil criminal activities and behaviors have been legitimized by various and sundry, ungodly men and women who fraudulently ran for elected offices across America on the local, state, and national levels of government solely to enable themselves to make a new judicial and legislative body of laws out of unconstitutional rules, regulations, policies, edicts, mandates and, yes, even legislation, and call all of that legal. They have abused their oaths of office. They have manipulated polls and elections. They have stomped down all areas of our faith all across this land. And, now, they are working to complete the degradation of America's national defenses. They are making their final move with the likes of Barack and Michelle Obama to affect the decisive blow and the total destruction of our nation and, too, Israel. And Congress stands silently by and allows this ungodly black man to turn the keys of the Executive Office over to the hands of our enemies to unlock our secret weapons closets and walk on into military installations and the nation without having to fire one shot. May our God NOT have mercy on any of them!
Dr. MLK Jr. was one of so many men, women, and children who fought "the good fight of faith" for the cause of "liberty and justice for all." But he was the leader at the forefront who helped open the many doors to the dreams and promises of the good this nation said it stood for from its foundation. Even then good and evil came to blows as to how faith fits into the fabric of a nation (or not). More often than not, faith won out. Evil ran and hid away until it devised a scheme wherein it cloaked itself in its own semblence of "goodness," and eased back out of its hiding place. Either the Obamas did not know or else (and this is more to the point), they did not care to know that goodness without God is just as evil; and, it would not ever stand to win at any time, before God's Throne Room.
Dr. MLK, Jr. and all who marched and fought together against the enemies of faith, family, and fortune for not only in America but also across the world, endured their pain of rejection and bloodshed. Too many who loved America and had hopes and dreams for a better and brighter more Godly land, died without seeing the fulfillment of their hopes and dreams on this side of The River.
Even in January 2009, when Barack Hussein Obama, was inaugurated as the first black President of these United States of America, it was, a false reality. For Obama is neither American nor a patriot. Nevertheless, Obama is a black man who uses his color to scam whites and blacks alike, as well as their newly coined inclusive term, "people of color." In truth, the Obamas represent the epitome of every reason why our forefathers and foremothers who have gone before us stood the test of time and firmly stood down slavemasters of all kind. Can we do no less than they?! Obama the Slavemaster of all time trains and leads the slavers who are still working among us in our time. The very fact that the Obamas act as if they are doing Americans a favor by becoming "Maw" and "Paw Obama" shows just how out of touch they are about the reality of just who America is and about how much Americans will stand for! And no more! And no more!
For, it is past time to demand excellence from among this nation's leadership in every corner of service. And, if none is perfect, reject them, unless they vow to strive towards perfection -- and then make them prove it! But we must move on and leave them behind until they catch up. No more excuses. Americans need never complain or whine and moan, for they have gotten the kinds of leadership they chose and not God. For, when you demand nothing less than the best, then shall you have it.
2012 Is The Year Of The Christian Conservative!
In 2012, now more than as never before, let us make this the beginning of time where the people are no longer living and dying without realizing any hope of living to see their dreams come to fruition and living to enjoy them. All dream slayers must be called out and put out. Let this be the time when Americans will awaken from their dreams and live in the reality in which they shall realize that only the people they have elected to oversee official positions which concern their lives have been the ones who killed their dreams and them, too! It is time to call for accountability and to call a halt to "politics as usual," "business as usual," "Christians as usual," "faith as usual," and everything else put up for grabs, as usual, to do with as anybody pleases instead of as Godly law and common sense demands. Money is necessary, but money should never be the basis for electing people to leadership positions in America.
Let God be our guide that He is.
Let 2012 be the year when Traitors, like the Obamas, are put on notice that the rule of law (God's law and man's law) in America and the Constitution will trump every wayward desire and action of any man, woman, boy, girl who refuses to abide by those very laws which benefit and not harm anybody in a just and righteous society. Our culture demands it. Our forefathers and foremothers demand it. And WE THE PEOPLE who love faith, family, and America surely demand it!
Let 2012 be the time for patriotic Americans, who are prayed up, to resolutely stand together and forthrightly reject every demonic downturn for the American way of life and livelihood. And, what's more, if none else stands with you, then stand anyhow! But, when you stand alone for God's truth and His Godly righteousness, you are not standing alone and on your own. God goes before you with all of His warring Angelic hosts. And, our God is not deaf or blind or powerless to win this cultural war, both spiritually and physically. And, when God settles a thing, it is done once and for all. Just let ungodly mankind try to stop it. Woe unto them that try!
God's continued peace and blessings unto America and Israel. And, all who stand to help them (us) shall likewise be richly blessed of God. For ours is a Judeo-Christian nation! And, so it is. Done and well done. In Jesus' name. Amen!
2012 Is The Year of The Christian Conservative! Let the Godly pushback begin in earnest against the forces of Hell and carnality now running all across America and throughout the world.
For decades, both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party in America have allowed themselves to become bastardized by interlopers who knew their own unAmerican and ungodly platforms would be unacceptable and, therefore, rejected by the God-fearing and obedient American society and culture. So, those main political parties agreed to take unto themselves the underbelly of Hell. And, whether it was done knowingly or unknowingly, it does not matter. God knows. And so do we.
Those primary party affiliations and the Democrats, in particular, determined among themselves that freedom is not free but they could pay the cost as long as they could pull down more money and gather the masses of people to their election booths "by any means necessary;" that they could pull off all of the local, state, and national elections "legally" even where the people had previously rejected their platforms for office; and even where elections were held for everything from dog catcher to board members; and, even for candidates who ran for election for the Office of the President of the United States of America.
Enter the charismatic black President Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle, and all the forces of Hell gathered all around them.
The wicked will talk to money and ask, "Will you help me?" And the money will talk back to the wicked and answer, "Yes we can! BUT, will you trade us your soul?" And, upon hearing the conditions for getting money, people like Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle reply, "Yes we will!" They don't care that money is funny, when you leave God out of the transaction. With God in the midst, "banks may be too big to fail," but our God never fails! They may have sold their souls to the devil, but those who are truly Americans will never sell out.
President Barack Hussein Obama and his wife, Michelle Robinson Obama, and their "girls," as they call them, are figments of their own puny imagination. They have made themselves to be ungodly and unsightly branded products of deliberate lies, flawed judgment, and public corruption. What's more, the Obama's and their thuggish entourage exemplify the face of evil, as they continue to play house at the expense of the American taxpayers whose own needs are allowed to go unmet and are being systematically stripped away by those people who see themselves as king and queen of America where there are no such positions and which has never been the intent of our Founding Fathers to create any such positions here. Keep in mind that Obama's genealogy also takes him in as a British subject after his Kenyan parentage.
The Obamas are not very nice people at all. In fact, they are ugly and dishonest, as is their entire hijacked and ungodly Democrat Party. More the shame that a black man and a black woman finally made it into the White House. But, they became esconched in the American seat of honor and power by the use of black arts and black power. Those are among the traits which continue to be rejected by the majority in the same way that white power movements are no longer tolerated in our society. But, most of those white movements have either gone underground or else have tired of being bombarded by the many taunting accusations hurled at them such as "racists," "bigots," and "homophobes;" and, perhaps, they are resting up for a while. But, that taunting was done by none other than the higher-learning authors of those very terms used who are, themselves, masters of racism, homosexuality, and other name-calling Saul Alinsky games devised to shut up the mouths of their opponents, to shut down their venues, and to shut off their vast methods of communication.
So, black power and white power joined forces to misuse politics to come against and to abuse Godly Americans of every hue who strive to live according to God's law, the constitution, and the legal rule of law, which does not work to overturn the natural order of things. But, does the use of political vices make it right?! No sir! That is still wrong, ungodly, unconstitutional, and it goes against everything Americans know to be true. And, what's more, all of those people like the Obamas who feast at the swill served up to them from their Satanic troughs of lies will have Hell to pay for all that Satan has lent to them so they could carry out their destructive agendas against America and her people of faith who are not ashamed to declare Jesus is our Savior and Lord. And, Jesus is Savior and Lord to all who believe He is who He says He is.
Suffice it to say, Hell has been allowed to sit at the table of God's great goodness and to feast on the American citizens. The political election process became their entry doorway. The political polls became their ticket to enter. The pundits, punsters, and pollsters became their ticket masters who led them through the political doors to continue their deadly and dangerous games. You see, the political factions had set their unified sight upon the American citizens as their prey. They have tuned out the voices of WE The People who told them time and again that life in America is not a game for game sake and that we refuse to play their games.
Rev. Dr. MLK Jr. and The Godly Civil Rights Movement vs.
The Uncivil, UnGodly Rights Movements
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Dr. MLK Jr.) and the Civil Rights Movement now harbor a lot of civil wrongs masquerading as "legal" rights. The uncivil criminal activities and behaviors have been legitimized by various and sundry, ungodly men and women who fraudulently ran for elected offices across America on the local, state, and national levels of government solely to enable themselves to make a new judicial and legislative body of laws out of unconstitutional rules, regulations, policies, edicts, mandates and, yes, even legislation, and call all of that legal. They have abused their oaths of office. They have manipulated polls and elections. They have stomped down all areas of our faith all across this land. And, now, they are working to complete the degradation of America's national defenses. They are making their final move with the likes of Barack and Michelle Obama to affect the decisive blow and the total destruction of our nation and, too, Israel. And Congress stands silently by and allows this ungodly black man to turn the keys of the Executive Office over to the hands of our enemies to unlock our secret weapons closets and walk on into military installations and the nation without having to fire one shot. May our God NOT have mercy on any of them!
Dr. MLK Jr. was one of so many men, women, and children who fought "the good fight of faith" for the cause of "liberty and justice for all." But he was the leader at the forefront who helped open the many doors to the dreams and promises of the good this nation said it stood for from its foundation. Even then good and evil came to blows as to how faith fits into the fabric of a nation (or not). More often than not, faith won out. Evil ran and hid away until it devised a scheme wherein it cloaked itself in its own semblence of "goodness," and eased back out of its hiding place. Either the Obamas did not know or else (and this is more to the point), they did not care to know that goodness without God is just as evil; and, it would not ever stand to win at any time, before God's Throne Room.
Dr. MLK, Jr. and all who marched and fought together against the enemies of faith, family, and fortune for not only in America but also across the world, endured their pain of rejection and bloodshed. Too many who loved America and had hopes and dreams for a better and brighter more Godly land, died without seeing the fulfillment of their hopes and dreams on this side of The River.
Even in January 2009, when Barack Hussein Obama, was inaugurated as the first black President of these United States of America, it was, a false reality. For Obama is neither American nor a patriot. Nevertheless, Obama is a black man who uses his color to scam whites and blacks alike, as well as their newly coined inclusive term, "people of color." In truth, the Obamas represent the epitome of every reason why our forefathers and foremothers who have gone before us stood the test of time and firmly stood down slavemasters of all kind. Can we do no less than they?! Obama the Slavemaster of all time trains and leads the slavers who are still working among us in our time. The very fact that the Obamas act as if they are doing Americans a favor by becoming "Maw" and "Paw Obama" shows just how out of touch they are about the reality of just who America is and about how much Americans will stand for! And no more! And no more!
For, it is past time to demand excellence from among this nation's leadership in every corner of service. And, if none is perfect, reject them, unless they vow to strive towards perfection -- and then make them prove it! But we must move on and leave them behind until they catch up. No more excuses. Americans need never complain or whine and moan, for they have gotten the kinds of leadership they chose and not God. For, when you demand nothing less than the best, then shall you have it.
2012 Is The Year Of The Christian Conservative!
In 2012, now more than as never before, let us make this the beginning of time where the people are no longer living and dying without realizing any hope of living to see their dreams come to fruition and living to enjoy them. All dream slayers must be called out and put out. Let this be the time when Americans will awaken from their dreams and live in the reality in which they shall realize that only the people they have elected to oversee official positions which concern their lives have been the ones who killed their dreams and them, too! It is time to call for accountability and to call a halt to "politics as usual," "business as usual," "Christians as usual," "faith as usual," and everything else put up for grabs, as usual, to do with as anybody pleases instead of as Godly law and common sense demands. Money is necessary, but money should never be the basis for electing people to leadership positions in America.
Let God be our guide that He is.
Let 2012 be the year when Traitors, like the Obamas, are put on notice that the rule of law (God's law and man's law) in America and the Constitution will trump every wayward desire and action of any man, woman, boy, girl who refuses to abide by those very laws which benefit and not harm anybody in a just and righteous society. Our culture demands it. Our forefathers and foremothers demand it. And WE THE PEOPLE who love faith, family, and America surely demand it!
Let 2012 be the time for patriotic Americans, who are prayed up, to resolutely stand together and forthrightly reject every demonic downturn for the American way of life and livelihood. And, what's more, if none else stands with you, then stand anyhow! But, when you stand alone for God's truth and His Godly righteousness, you are not standing alone and on your own. God goes before you with all of His warring Angelic hosts. And, our God is not deaf or blind or powerless to win this cultural war, both spiritually and physically. And, when God settles a thing, it is done once and for all. Just let ungodly mankind try to stop it. Woe unto them that try!
God's continued peace and blessings unto America and Israel. And, all who stand to help them (us) shall likewise be richly blessed of God. For ours is a Judeo-Christian nation! And, so it is. Done and well done. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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Copyright (c) 2011 By Rev. Lainie Dowell.

Copyright (c) 2011 by Rev. Lainie Dowell.
Powerful Anon. Women's Motto *Adaptation*

I'M THE REAL PITBULL! I live my life each day so that when my eyes open AND even when they're closed for sleep, Satan shakes & quakes & says, "Oh crap, she's still awake!!" -revldowell

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From the Political And Religious p.o.v.
Voice Ink News Commentary ~
Here is one conservative voice that does not use invisible ink
Song Dedicated to Army, Marine Corps, and to All Military.
Visit the website and be sure to read the story behind this great song and the songwriter. Neither God nor America has coward soldiers. Thank God for America's best, bravest, and brightest! Bless them all!


Copyright (c) 2010 By Rev. Lainie Dowell
ObamaTRAUMA FIVE Years Hence!

I love this cartoon! Five-yrs from now! Jan. 20, 2009 (c) By Walt Carr

Copyright (c) 2009 by Rev. Lainie Dowell
American and Foreign Grassroots Activism!
Sociedad de Civil Venezuela
LORD??? How many more to go?
LORD??? How many more to go?
OCT 2014 "BABY DOC" IS DEAD! NO ONE CAN OUTGOD GOD!!! SAY ON! Posted by: Rev. LED Dowell
Here's one conservative voice that doesn't use invisible ink. |

Copyright (c) 2009 By Rev. Lainie Dowell

Sure miss you! -me

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