

By Rev. Lainie Dowell
Rev. Lainie Dowell published an article on March 2, 2009, which stated that " Barack INSANE Obama Is Slow Walking Americans to Hell," and her assessment was recently confirmed on March 25, 2009, by (of all people) the EU President, Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, of Czechoslovakia. Topolanek was quoted by Fox News as saying, "EU Presidency: Obama Plans 'a Way to Hell.'"
WARNING!! Recently, Governor Mike Huckabee publicly apologized to Sean Hannity for getting it wrong about Barack Obama from the outset. It is clear that people who have the national ear, including the media and our political officials who are admitting they do not read bills put before them before voting them into law, are not being true to their ethical responsibility to the American people and to the United States Constitution.
Elected leaders took an oath after they were elected, but they are helping an inept, incompetent, insecure, Obama Administration to rush America headlong into destruction as a nation of freedom and liberty that we know and love. And, while pundits and naysayers are lambasting truthtellers who have investigated and reported on the facts surrounding Obama and his Alinskyite agenda to overturn our Constitution and upset the entire global structure, time is running out to turn them back. It is time our people (all Americans) stopped to listen and hear and take steps finally "to protect, preserve, and defend" our nation instead of fighting against those of us whose purpose is to do just that -- (i.e., To "Fight on 'til victory's won" and our Homeland is safe and secure from all enemies both foreign and domestic).
Rev. Dowell's original prophetic voice articles have been published on her Voice Ink News Commentary, The Canada Free Press, The African Press International, The New Media Journal, and RFFM. Her articles have also been linked by numerous other sites. She has also been a frequent guest on The Roth Radio Show.
Regrettably, too many Americans, including the Judeo-Christian and Catholic communities act as if they do not understand the strength of faith to fight against the forces of Hell. What's more, the fact that so many voices are rising up to speak out against Barack Obama's outrageously UNAmerican agenda and policies to avert what now already has developed into a Constitutional Crisis, should be enough to alert the entire world that the America known to fight wars abroad gears up more than ever to take on "enemies foreign and domestic" wherever they may be -- especially in the United States government, lest we find our nation deposited at the point of no return for either present-day, God-loving Americans or future generations.
Recently, I wrote to disclose to my audience that a noted online publisher had lambasted and totally ostracized me as a Christian because of my play on Obama's middle name (i.e., where I had written "Barack INSANE Obama"). And, that publisher also told me that my writings were becoming too "Christian" for their audience and said he would block further emails from me. Oddly enough, he claims to be Christian and does not hesitate to report Christian ideologies on his site, depending on who writes it.
However, I have yet to actually Preach in and through my political commentaries, but I recognize that particular publisher and many others are freely trying to shut my mouth so they can try to Preach and, yet, shut the Preacher out. But that's another story for another day.
King Solomon's biblical wisdom lasts for all time. We have to know our time and season. For me and most believers, we understand that our faith does not constrain us from doing battle but it propels us to the battlefield to wage war even as we lift up "The blood-stained banner." For, if we stand aside and refuse to also lift up our voices against this evil that we are seeing descend upon America through the Obama Administration, then we will see the likes of the same human devastation that rolled across Europe, Africa, and other parts close to home and for which so many were wounded and died to fight against.
We know where Barack Obama came from, where he is headed, and where he wants to take all of us with him. And, we need to send him and his ungodly team back where they came from because of their demonstrated total loyalty to that man rather than to the United States Constitution and to our Godly American values. Those actions which signal danger for this nation now and in the days to come, absolutely need to be exposed.
During the last eight years when Former President George W. Bush (R-TX) was at the helm, Americans stood by as the DEMS waged a pernicious propagandist warfare against him and his Cabinet and Republicans that found its way into the Well of both the United States Senate and House of Representatives in which the Black Caucus, which was later joined by the Hispanic Caucus, loudly and jeeringly pronounced President Bush as "the President SELECT!"
Not many of those legislators have restrained themselves from such disrespect towards the Office of President and the man, President Bush, who occupied that office. Anybody who watched the January 20, 2009, Inauguration Day and installation of the Obama Administration heard the boo's coming from attendees and even saw Rahm Emanuel give a thumb to his nose in the direction of the Former President's helicopter, which took him and his wife from the area. And Barack Obama still leads the distasteful charge against sanity and respect, while now demanding it for himself when we repeatedly tried to warn him and others that it is about the OFFICE!!
What's more, those legislators (who did so) continue now to further proclaim every chance they get to say that Former Vice President Al Gore (D-TN), who served under the Clinton Administration, was the actual elected President because, as they said, "The (U.S.) Supreme Court handed the Presidency to Bush." But, what the DEMS have failed to remind the nation is that it was Al Gore who first took that election case into court on the matter. And it was also Al Gore who lost that Florida election count each time and every way that it was taken by that Board of Elections. And, it was Gore and his lawyers who had -- for the most part -- directed, that recount process. And it was Gore who still lost that election both legally and politically, based on those recounts and the Court's deliberations on the merits pertaining to facts, issues, and law.
How many Americans do you think you could recall who had heard President Bush or his staff raise their voices to protest the DEMS and other organizations who railed against him and his Republican agenda which, by the way, he clearly conducted for the benefit of the entire nation and not just for his own Party?
How many websites could any American find which President Bush set up in order to knock down hip hop rappers who called him every name in the book, except "Mr. President?" You wouldn't be able to find one "Fight-the-Smear" Bush website. And I believe Obama's is the only one and only such electoral site instituted by any presidential candidate much less one who now sits in the Oval Office.
Nevertheless, not one such defense measure exists under the auspices of the Bush Administration! In fact, how many American citizens do you know who took to "the Net" or to the streets to call for the DEMS and others to stop denigrating President Bush? How many? I can't hear you! There couldn't have been that many, if any!
Do you suppose that particular lack of response was because President Bush and his supporters were too busy going about the nation's business and they thought that action to have been more important for them to attend to instead of wasting time turning to address scoffers?
Barack Obama and his Chief-of-Staff, Rahm Emanuel are task masters at perpetrating hype and deadly propaganda that they know is destructive and untrue. They have made no secret of the fact that is their long-time, ongoing modus operandi to win elections. For, if they cannot find dirt and scandal around any campaign opponent, then they will create it and widely disseminate it with the help of anybody they can find who loves (their) money (under the table) more than they love their elected job of serving with the people's best interest at heart.
Americans need to take the time to search through the Federal Election Commission records to find out how much AIG and Google and other corporations now getting Obama Bail outs had contributed to his presidential election campaign. They would be alarmed to know exactly where all of the taxpayer money is going. Why hasn't Congress called for a public airing instead of placing responsibility for distribution of trillions of dollars directly and totally in the hands of Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel? They must be laughing all the way to some safety deposit box somewhere. But, you who laugh at the prospect at least owe it to your ownself to think about it. To date, have they proved to be trustworthy in anything pertaining to America? And, by the way, where is Timothy Geithner? Is he still getting lessons in how to con the public and get by with it?
I associate myself with all of the remarks made by Rush Limbaugh, when he spoke over the past weekend in Washington, DC at the CPAC Conference. Furthermore, I thank God for Rush and for Glen Beck (Fox Cable TV), and for Dr. Laurie Roth of the Roth Radio Show. These are troopers who have forthrightly enjoined this battle. And, beyond merely telling anybody else about the fight, they have refused to allow anybody and anything to cut them off from speaking truthfully to this nation and, when given the opportunity, to the whole world, about injustice wherever it rears its ugly head.
Although Americans (particularly Republicans) are able to do what it takes to clean up this nation, if called for, we understand that we do not have to get down in the mud with the swine. We do not have to wallow in the muck that the swine delight to churn up. Instead, we stand up to kick it out of our way and to call for it to be cleaned up and thrown out!!!!!
Moreover, United States Senator Robert Byrd (D-WVA) continues to warn Obama publicly through the published letter he sent directly to him in the White House in which Byrd told Obama that America does not have Constitutional provisions for inclusion of anybody in the representative legislative process who has not been deemed to be accountable for any checks and balances via the United States Senate.
Nevertheless, Obama continues to arrogantly pursue that illegal and deadly avenue of unilateral governance through his and Michelle's ongoing conflict of interest with so many of their ongoing national and global partnerships they helped to set up in order to generate and grow their very own personal grassroots coalitions across the nation and the world. Is there any wonder, then, why Obama wants to shut down lobbyists? He has his very own lobbyists via hip hop rappers, ACORN, Project VOTE, and community organizers, among his lawyer friends and from many of his international supporters.
Therefore, American citizens need to pay closer attention and stop believing the main stream media when they report that the Obama Administration activity is of no consequence to our Constitutional security. But, when Americans see Obama's generated civil police force and military closing off our neighborhood streets and calling for us to adhere to their curfews, it will be too late for them to look for help from anybody they could believe or trust!
What MUST we do to decisively turn around our Constitutional crisis? Americans and Republicans, in particular, must never allow the DEMS to presume to be spokespersons for our domestic and foreign agendas through their propagandist press releases and media spokespersons. We can no longer watch many of the newscasters (liberal or conservative) without hearing interviewers asking them to tell America what and how the Republicans need to do to serve the nation? And, invariably, the first words out of their mouths are that "The BUSH Administration . . . ." And they follow that up by whatever the DEMS' talking points happen to be for that day (or moment). And the listeners take it all in and believe the lie rather than the truth, even when the record has been corrected publicly.
Americans need to know exactly how Barack INSANE Obama is able to unilaterally make changes in our government and then announces to the nation his ongoing policies, plans, and agendas on TV, radio, and on the computer, without first going through the United States Congress.
We need to ask ourselves. Is this the same format that Obama plans to use to suddenly announce to the nation that he has unilaterally (though unconstitutionally) "fired and disbanded" the entire United States Congress (including DEMS), our Military, and has ordered all of his dissenters jailed (ALA Hugo Chavez and other dictators)? The Executive Branch is now usurping power without any ending in sight. And that spells T-R-A-I-T-O-R and fosters a groundswell of domestic terrorism. We know this is true, because Obama has told us every step of the way what he is doing, why, and how. It is only the "When," however, which remains to be seen. The "Where" is also his choice, as it stands, without challenge of any kind.
Accept or reject. The choice is yours. However, the consequences of your individual choice will impact an entire nation.
Americans must demand that the United States Congress begin to initiate proceedings to IMPEACH OBAMA NOW! Or, at the very least, educate him about the reality of American expectations for our local and national leaders. The American public and Congress did it for Former President Richard M. Nixon even in the midst of his second term. And, Nixon had the good graces to resign before being impeached, but many of his henchmen went to jail for their unwavering obedience to Nixon, as the President, instead of to the nation. Moreover, it seems to me that Obama has continued to assemble for himself just such a hollow-head following of "YES WE WILL, DEAR LEADER," officials whom he has placed up under his armpits to keep a close watch over. But, why "anoint" them, if he doesn't trust them to be able to do the jobs they've been nominated to do on behalf of the nation?
Why? Because, when Obama first came into the election process, it was through deception and deceit with the stated and ongoing demonstrated intentions of destroying the United States Constitution and America, itself, as a just and Godly nation, being aided and abetted by the United States news media.
The main stream media knew the truth about Obama but withheld it; and, when confronted with facts contrary to their reports, whole networks of media utterly rejected the truth about Obama. And, if anything, many knowingly embellished Obama's lies in support of his campaign for no other purpose than that they wanted to impact the election. Their main purpose became one of helping to hoist a black man into the White House.
Now, we see that the media, as a whole, have still not stopped to investigate, report, and publish objective news based on facts and credible documentation in order to allow citizens to decide for themselves without their high-level biases interlaced throughout their local and national reports.
Too many professional spokespersons and the local and national newscasters have decided that they want to be celebrities in the news and to make news makers rather than to report on the news as it is being made by others. Those so-called pundits and journalists need to make a choice (i.e., to be either a news reporter or else one of the people who makes news)!
Moreover, we have demanded no less from all of our elected and appointed leaders and that they also adhere to their oath of office and the United States Constitution. America deserves much better. And to have it, Americans, in general, must rise up to meet the test and take action now to best all the rest who had believed Americans would settle for mess. (But I digress)
For any of those who may believe this report is too subjective -- that's why this is called, "Political News Commentary." And they'd best thank God that the First Amendment is still in operation in the land or else we'd all be stuck like so many DEMS with kooky-aid (sic) pressed to our lips, jello for brains, and no backbone whatsoever to say, "Hell??? NO!!! We won't go!" And, what's more, we will stand up and say for once and for all -- "NO!!" to any domestic tyranny from whichever way it comes. But how will you know you are not alone, if our voices are silenced by the majority (beyond political affiliation) who have exclusive access to the communication switches to decide whose voice(s) and activities will be allowed to get through?
America has not failed. Crooked leadership for too long has prevailed. Don't be afraid. Decide and pick a side!
God has not failed mankind. Mankind has failed to believe that God is really real and that He is in residence among us who know, believe, receive, and welcome His presence! And that's just a fact of life and death which no mortal person can ever dispute or refute and ultimately be found right in so doing.
Stay tuned.
"Obama-Loving Internet Bullies Rankle My Sanctified Nerves!"
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