

By Rev. Lainie Dowell
2 Timothy Chapter 3, vv. 1-9
1) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2) For men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3) without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4) traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5) having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof -- from such turn away. 6) For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7) ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8) Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, [Ex. 7.11] so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9) But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.
I dared to venture over to the Final Call website to read what Louis Farrakhan had to say about the current events regarding Barack Obama's candidacy to become elected as President of the United States. There, I came across an article entitled, "White women speak up for Obama," By Nisa Islam Muhammad, Staff Writer. As I read that article, I began to feel as if I had been transported in time all the way back to the 1960s, when blacks were still fighting to be able to "Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud," compliments of the late James Brown, singer and activist.
Editor's Note:
Commentaries published here are substantiated with documentation. Any visitor is welcomed to share differing opinions along with their substantiating documentation. Anonymous comments will no longer be allowed. /s/ -Rev. L. Dowell, Founder-Editor
When the late Mrs. Rosa Parks remained seated on her bus ride home one day because she was tired, she knew she had gone the distance and couldn't go any further even to save her own life. No doubt a whole lot of black women and men, and whites, too, felt the same as she during the civil rights era. But, perhaps, they had not reached the end of their road as she had done that day.
She refused to give up her seat then. But when they finally got her up, put her off the bus, and took her to jail, an entire nation rose up with her and came to her defense. And when Americans rose up in her defense, being led by a black Preacher, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it was done beyond race, religion, creed, color, or national origin. And it began to change things in America for the betterment of all citizens. Even so, cynics remain today who reject Dr. King's motives and manners of yesterday, because they were not the villified and glorified ones in Dr. King's place.
In 2008, despite all of that marching, lynching, winning, and overcoming, we still have not overcome. Why? Because, in the midst of the movement, a whole new generation of Americans came up from behind us. They had never felt the lash from a whip across their black backs while laboring in some cotton field or hovering over a big black pot-bellied stove in the heat of the day. They had never even seen that tin tub that sat beside that stove to be made readied for Saturday night baths.They had never gotten their black backs stomped into the dirt under some Master's boot (whether black or white). They were never strapped up to a Sycamore tree to be hung there and dried, as the song goes, "strange fruit."
But, when many from this new breed who were born of the 1960s came from out of the womb as innocent babes, they went on to their hard won entre into the halls of higher education. And there in those hallowed halls of higher learning, many stumbled into the waiting arms of black and white men and women who had made a career out of agitating for civil rights all across this nation.
They became professors, lawyers, doctors, judges, theologians, academicians, mayors, teachers and even legislators, yet they refused to let go of that perilous past in order to be able to live and to help others to live in a better future that has been provided through the shed blood and spilt tears and long restless nights of Godly parents worrying and praying about their children's safety and general welfare when they placed them in their hands. And, we need not give any of them a pass to take us all the way back into those evil days of race baiting, racial hatred, and the resultant senseless deaths of both the victims and their defenders.
Why Can't We Overcome As An American Nation?
With the help of the MSM and the educational system from top to bottom who are hyping the supposed black leadership of Obama coming on the horizon, we have now arrived at the tenuous crossroads of "We Shall Overcome" and "We Overcame."
But have we really? Or, is that just wishful thinking on the part of those silly white women who must have forgotten Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam is the same man who called them "blue-eyed white devils" and called the Jewish religion "gutter religion." Those women and all the rest of the supporters of Obama from every sector of society who would choose this black man, Obama, who not only is not qualified but he is also not qualifiable over the well-qualified white woman named, Gov. Sarah Palin, who is in a far better position to lead this nation than Obama. So much for women's lib and feminist banter!
They have no idea what they have wrought by linking arm in arm with Obama and the Democratic New Left ideology at a time when their votes should be counted for the good of all Americans.
If anybody really believes that Race is not an issue in this 2008 election, then they are grossly deceived, because that denial is being used as a shield to deflect criticism from the Obamaniacs when they spew out their accusations of racism against whites and anybody else who won't go along with their predominantly black agendas, which many have yet to understand their agendas have been in place for decades. And they have made no secret that those plans are in place to the exclusion of everybody else except the blacks and all those whom they now call "people of color." But, is that what the majority of Americans want for America? I believe not!
During the '60s and '70s, the Black Panthers were running around with their black fists pumped up in the air in defiance of the supposedly white culture. Now those same despised symbols of all things thought to be white have become the avenue by which the same black men and women have adopted as a part of their movement to increase their credibility and respectability to engage them through the political process.
However, at the height of the civil rights era, the symbols of the black movement for black manhood at that time were a mile-high afro, a "piece" at the ready somewhere on their person, a loud in-your-face style of intimidation, and a white woman on both arms while the "sisters" stood silently nearby and watched all of them as the "brothers" turned around and terrorized them and took out their abusive and abrasive hits against their black womanhood whenever they felt like it.
Somewhere in the mix, on one end was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with both his detractors and supporters following behind, and on the other end were Min. Louis Farrakhan, Malcolm X, and the Nation of Islam. In between were the Black Panthers, the Black Nationalists, and the Black Muslims. And, surrounding all of them were the FBI and the KKK. How soon we forget.
Most people on the black band wagon, when they want to justify putting Obama, a black man in the White House, quote from Rev. Dr. MLK Jr. on the subject of race. However, they seem to have written out that part Dr. King had spoken about the "content of their character" being prized over and above the color of one's skin. Nevertheless, many people have hopped aboard the Obama express for no other reason but that he is a black man, despite all of their protestations to the contrary.
To make matters worse, Obama is a black man who lacks substance and continues to be exposed time and again as having no moral authority whatsoever to be elected and installed as the President of this nation. Moreover, if it were not for the negligence and, at the same time bias, of the news media, and their refusal to report the news about the candidates objectively and fairly from the start of the campaigning, then Obama's candidacy would have been stopped long before now.
Has anybody ever stopped long enough to consider that it is not a matter of folk being silent in the midst of ungodliness; but rather, it is a matter of voices that are sounding the alarm in the midst of a vacuum.
Who owns the communication tools? Why have newspapers, televisions, and radios become syndicated? Why are telephones and computers interlinked? How is it that only the rich and famous have access to the nation via publicists and agents? What would the American population do, if at any moment, the owners of those tools decided to pull the plugs?
We have become too trusting a nation. Our leaders on the local, state, and national levels have let us down. Is it too late to recoup our individual mindset? Or, must we allow ourselves to be hustled into the "oneness" mindset of any leader who wants only his mind and that of his supporters to be the only ONE mind set before all of us?
Is America For Sale to the Highest Bidder?
Ask the New Yorkers. Recently, they had to stand by and watch helplessly as their billionaire Mayor Bloomberg was instrumental in having his term in office extended by local lawmakers who overturned the will of the people in a 29-22 decision.
Ask the Floridians. There is where the Obama campaign outright banned a local news station from having further interviews from their campaign, because they didn't like the straight forward questioning of Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden by the female news reporter. She inquired of Biden about his and Obama's goals for this country -- before, after, and during, their campaign. During the interview, Biden asked her if she was joking.
Ask Shawn Hannity (Hannity and Colmes on Fox News TV). He has concluded, and rightly so, that "2008 is the year that journalism died."
Ask the American people who know and love America as the leader of the free world and who want to keep her thriving as a Republic under a democratic constitution.
Ask me. I'll talk to God about it and wait on Him to get it straightened out. I'm done and, yet, "It is well with my soul." (-song)
The decision is far past. By now, I believe the majority of voters already know where they'll cast their lot. It will be either on the Lord's side with McCain-Palin or else on Satan's side with Obama-Biden and all that they stand for.
Nevertheless, it remains to be seen that the long-time experience and patriotism of Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin would render them to be our best choice for the White House to serve as leaders of the free world, especially during this time of this nation's overwhelming vulnerability to forces both inside and outside of America.
On to November 4, 2008! And from there, we will know whether we will begin to either rise or fall as a nation that, as never before, has been personally confronted with such evil from among her own citizens in its centuries old history.
Also read this article: "White Women Speak Up For Obama," By Nisa Islam Muhammad, Staff Writer at the Final Call website.
You don't understand racism at all, and you probably never will. Just wanted to let you know. Cheers!
Posted by: Bob Miller
Email: miller51550@yahoo.com
Location: Cleveland
Someone has finally printed an article that causes ONE TO THINK.
I have taken great pride in my country and fought for led troops in combat.
I believe the author of this article has presented a factual account of what is transpiring in the United States today.
I for one do not believe that Obama has the character and the honesty of that is needed to even lead dogs in a dog fight.
The MSM and his campaign have NEVER told the truth about Obama.. he has NEVER truly told us what he plans to do for WHITE AMERICA.
His is going to be a reign of give, give to the poor at the expense of the white middle class.
ONCE.. those who voted for him... truly LEARN WHO HE IS and what little he will do for them .. it will be too late.
Obama will be the WORST ideology that has happened to the United States in our History. He is a new Black Panther with an education wanting to change america... to benefit the 20 percent of the population.
Rec'd by email and posted here by Clergywomen.
Posted by: pumabydesign001
Email: bydesign001@optonline.net
Location: http://pumabydesign001.wordpress.com
Grew up during civil rights movement, first job courtesy of affirmative action, and until now always voted Democrat. The actions of Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Brazile, Kennedy, Dean, msm and Obama supporters are repulsive.
Millions of dollars are spent everyday to muddy the waters and keep them so. A seeker of justice, I will not accept vile acts by our leaders. False shouts and accusations of racism permeate air waves suppressing the voices of those in need.
How can self-appointed Messiah (Obama) to the poor, desolate and underserved censor and suppress for his own self interest. That is the real Barack Obama while at the same time calling himself a Christian.
Rec'd by email and posted by Clergywomen.
Posted by: Throbeldinbar
Email: metz@whidbey.com
Location: Pacific Northwest
If you had "dared to venture" into an intelligent analysis about the article instead spewing vitrolic and suppressive propaganda in support Faux Noise and their ilk you probably would not be as ignorant tommorow as you are today.
Received by email and posted by Clergywomen.
You have just received a comment for the following weblog:
Canada Free Press
The title of the entry is:
Obama And His Silly White Women Behind Him
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Posted by: kokoyumyum
Email: lindasnusnu@comcast.com
Why would you say that Obama is never capable of being "qualifiable"?
Why is that small-time mayor qualified? Why is McCain, who has never proposed "regulations" qualified? He isn't even intelligent, nor is Palin..
Vote IQ, vote Obama-Biden.
Keep McCain out of the White House, he was born in Panama, you know, which makes him a right-wing dictator drug dealer like his countryman Noriega...I bet they even lived there at the same time..which means together..which means they were homosexual lovers....run run
Msg. rePosted here by Clergywomen, as she rec'd them via email, so as to let readers know that Americans are sick and in deep trouble who have sentiments like these! May God have mercy on their souls.
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