
By Rev. Lainie Dowell
Having power and knowledge is not the problem. Rather, it is how they are both misused and abused without Godly wisdom. -Rev. Lainie Dowell
We have a monumental money problem. Obama wants to keep taxpayer money for himself and his friends but keep it from the rest of the taxpayers. Even while unsuspecting people are pouring their last pennies, nickles, and dimes -- their very last change, into Obama's coffers, the likes of Obama are telling them this nation is broke and they are, too! More the pity, those deceived people seem to believe that propaganda that is coming from their mansions on hilltops bought and paid for by the taxpayer's hard-earned last cent.
The place for any man and woman who'll refuse to speak the truth is any place, except residing in the highest office of this nation. Barack Obama has been running for that specific Office of the President for many years, now. But every chance he gets, he still refuses to own up to his pass and even his present while doing all he can to tear down the dignity and honor of that Office and the current President George W. Bush. And his DEMS go along just to be able to gain control of the White House.
Obama supporters and news pundits who maintain this Presidential race is already over and have pronounced Obama the winner without an election have tried to change the rules of this constitutional mandate of providing for an elected President. Many have believed that report. However, It is not true. This battle is far from over as we move towards Election Day on November 4, 2008!Yet, whenever anybody asks Obama to explain his connection to somebody whose relationship to him might prove to be an embarrassment for him, he plants a lie in its place and dares to accuse that inquirer of using smear tactics, lies, or racism against him. Then he presumes to lecture the inquirer instead of coming out with what the public already knows to be the demonstrated truth of the matter. Therefore, he remains an unknown entity but a known quantity, as someone coming up on empty every time. Fox news is too late. They should have investigated and reported on Obama and his and Michelle's associates as soon as his feet hit the campaign trail primary. Instead, they were so busy oogling Sen. Obama over Sen. Hillary Clinton. Even now the DEMS and liberal MSM are doing all they can to disparage Gov. Sarah Palin who is on the Republican McCain-Palin ticket in deference to Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama. We still hear his name called too many times more than McCain or Palin. What are they thinking? That we don't notice?!
In his case, it has to do with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Pastor of what was his home church for 20 years. The preacher who had prodded his flock into believing America ought to be damned by God.
The terrorist William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, who -- and they admitted it was true -- engaged in terrorist acts against this country, including bombing government buildings. Then they fled from prosecution for 10 years before coming forth to take their punishment, which really didn't fit their crimes, because they did not go to jail for their terrorist activities, but they did become close friends with Barack and Michelle Obama despite their protestations to the contrary.
Then there remains the case of the ACORN organization where volunteers have been trained and sent out to collect signatures for various states' voter rolls, and the voter registrants brought back cards filled to capacity with anything but information applicable to legitimate voter registrants who were prepared to vote in such an important election as this.
The main thing to explore is how Obama has been exposed as not having integrity and lacks the character to be the next president yet the MSM keeps pushing his candidacy on the nation. Furthermore, we must not disregard the point that he is presently a United States Senator who has already taken an oath of office to protect and defend this nation's constitution. And, yet, his actions even in that capacity have proved he is untrustworthy and that he does not have our nation's best interest at heart. So what shall we do about this?
Here is one message which is one of the more rigorous ones ever expounded in the course of this battle and it has to be told regardless of how it might be received or not. This nation is facing desperate times. Fear is on the faces and in the minds of people across this nation and the entire world, and rightly so, except for the people who already know the course they are steering us in. They're espousing peace and prosperity --- theirs!
They have been at it for a very long time. But, much of what we now know has already been in the public arena and not kept hidden. It is just that we, as individuals and as a nation, had put our faith and trust in the electorate, not knowing that the corruption there is manifested in every nook and crany of this nation. It oozes corruption in every walk of life and, yet, the world has rolled on and we have been carried along with it. Nevertheless, as a people, we remained oblivious to where we were headed. And now here we are.
None of our leaders have the mind or the nerve to turn back this terrible illegitimate crime perpetrated against us by what we believed to be the new profession of community organizers, of which Barack Obama is chieftest in our time and living on our soil. Many people did not know communists, socialists, Black nationalists, and every kind of radical there is, had stopped showing up looking like some rag tag bum and, instead, they had put on a suit and tie or a skirt and sweater to gain legitimacy and trust from the people who they decided were prepared to help those who were "the least of these among us."Our churchhouses weren't quick enough and our faith wasn't fast enough for them. In a paper written by Obama, he had figured out that they had to go inside God's house and secularize our houses of worship from every faith. And they entered, quickly took hold of the Preachers and Priests, and our God, and our money. They kept our money but they thought they could leave our God out.
They gathered and trained our young people and college students to organize unions into political action committees (PACs) and gave them guidelines about how they could merge community organizations into one big coalition out of many formed in order for them to gain social and political advantage over the legitimately elected leadership in order to gather up those amassed forces and call them to go bully town halls into doing their bidding and forcing them to pay for the privilege, by the way, in the guise of federal monetary grants for their "poor" agendas. And this was the life that Barack and his wife chose to enter into. A life that is full of deception and secrets.
They and their academician colleagues and cohorts eased into our universities and colleges in professorial roles and unleashed boatloads of trained thugs onto our streets who found it was more lucrative to clean themselves up and commandeer the people's money and use it for themselves rather than to go out and work a decent job for an honest day's pay.
They learned how to use their street scams and academically-acquired skills of law and economics to manipulate, and cajole, and intimidate their "targets" and then stand back and watch it all come together like chess pieces at board meetings. But, there is no reason why we have to allow this farce to continue while community organizers and their thugs get in our faces with "confrontation and legal challenges" and do everything they know how to silence our voices of dissent and to try to keep us from responding without fear of threats of incarceration or worse.
Today, people are caught up with the fervor of a charismatic leader in Obama who tried to emulate Preachers in the Black tradition. But his followers don't understand that he has no idea where he is headed or what he'll do once he gets there. You see, it is all about power and control and the lack of accountability for the responsibility. And, in the hands of the inexperienced and uncaring, that is a deadly combination.
American politicians have stood up to those community organizers once upon a time, but they are silent now and I want to know why that is. In 1978, former Mayor Ed Koch (D-NY) walked out on them when they tried to dictate to him their agenda for the city he was elected to protect and defend. The news reported that, "(Koch) refused to be bullied and pushed around when (the Alinsky-model coalition) wanted to conduct a 'performance test' on how the new Mayor would handle local issues on their agenda." But Koch responded by telling them, "I'm someone who will not be pushed around. I'm not here to negotiate or to receive ultimatums. I do not deal with ultimata." Later, he said, "They want to run this (meeting) like a Kangaroo Court and I don't think I'm on trial." Source: "Mayor Koch Stalks Out of Meeting In Queens in Dispute Over Agenda," New York Times, February 28, 1978.
Likewise, Former Mayor Rudy Guiliani (R-NY) had the grit it takes to say "No!," when it became his turn to dole out New York City funds into many of those same professional organizers' greedy hands supposedly for the poor people.Mayor Guliani wanted to maintain control over his priorities for those funds. He said, at a news conference, the city wanted to "support programs that work, programs that are accountable, programs that can be done on time." He refused to capitulate. Source: "Coalition Assails the City's Decision to Withhold Money for Brooklyn Housing," By Abby Goodnough, New York Times, March 9, 1998.
It should do our hearts good to know that both of those elected leaders stood their ground and refused to be intimidated by any Alinsky-model mob rule on their home court and on their watch over the citizens placed in their charge.Community Organizations - "I Would Wipe All of The groups Out!" -Theresa Funiciello
What happened in the past should serve as our example for getting back to a Godly and orderly nation of decency and respect rather than to give in to their need for legitimacy to continue to deceive and run their scams on the American people. We do not need professional community organizers who are operating as lobbyists and PACs, without standing for election, appointment, anointment, or any such thing for them to become the collective voice of all the people by their form of participatory government and coalitions instead of by the constitutionally mandated elected, representative government.
Nancy Funiciello, a former welfare mother said, at the time, "I would wipe all of the groups out." She stated further "that money for services should be distributed as much as possible directly to recipients, in the manner of social security checks." She is the author of "Tyranny of Kindness." Source: "The 'Poverticians' - In a 90's War on Poverty, Who Hands Out Money?" By Martin Gottlieb, New York Times, June 20, 1993.
Power to the people is what they have said. However, what they did not say is that they are the self-appointed people who will retain control over the people and the power. In 1936, Saul Alinsky set the model and the Black Power movement of the 1960s advanced it. Even today, Barack Obama's answer to his form of government is for him to call together a mob of people and order them to get into the faces of the opposition, as we saw him do in recent news film footage while he was out on the campaign trail.
Is that the way we have been known to operate in our government? If so, that's news to me and a whole lot of other people, too. But now we know!
Barack Obama has learned his lesson well as has his wife, Michelle. But unless we want to end up like the people who followed Hitler and Jim Jones, then we had better step up and get our voices heard. And now is the time! Jones had the backing of some prominent Democrats in order to get to Guyana and he eventually turned on his own people and this nation, when he finally came under investigation for his murderous behavior in Guyana. Source: "Leading Americans Backed Jones Sect," By Robert D. McFadden, New York Times, November 21, 1978.
The evil rule of Adolf Hitler remains to this day as an ongoing example of why we need to be proactive and not reactive when considering leadership of any kind.
Barack Obama has continued to betray this nation and his Oath of Office as a Senator by following the course of anarchy and fomenting sedition to overthrow this constitutional government, but he doesn't seem to know it or let it bother him. Source: "In Congress, Raising Hands Before Rolling Up Sleeves," New York Times, January 5, 2005.
What do you suppose Obama will do as the President? How would you like to wake up and hear that the TV and radio and all forms of communication had been taken over by our government and that all of those American government agencies that have names like alphabet soup have been taken over by the Obama Administration and shut down. And, in their place there would be an imposed, nationally closed Communal Party? And, all of the people who would need to be helped would first have to pledge their allegiance to Obama. So overwhelming would be the power placed into the hands of a man who cannot even be entrusted with his own character much less with the protection and defense of an entire nation that it must not be granted.
Don't scoff. We are dealing with an inexperienced young man in Obama. He has street smarts and book knowledge, but he has an aversion to the truth, either hearing it or telling it. He does not seem to understand how much he will be the pawn and the puppet in the hands of those same community organizations he helped to develop and train. And he lacks the will and the strength to hold them back as a force to be reckoned with. What's more, we must not forget that with the help of another possible term for Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid and all of their leftist new democratic socialist party, they will be able to succeed in having this entire nation placed in the same dismal shape of our economy and banks. And, they will maintain deniability for any downfall, if any.
During an interview on Hannity and Colmes, when responding to a question put to him by Alan Colmes about comparing the candidates' plans, T. Boone Pickens stated that he "promised Sen. Reid he wouldn't endorse a candidate." (Fox News, October 16, 2008)
Because many of our elected officials are prone to make back-of-the-room deals, let us not get caught up in the economy part. Instead, while it is imperative that we concentrate on both issues, the security should take priority because, if we do not elect leaders that we can trust to keep faith with the American people to even take pains to uphold their sworn Oath to the constitution and this nation, then nothing else will much matter. It would be too late to stop the total and complete turn over of this nation into the control of ungodly party plots and plans.
The urgency of this situation was brought closer to our homeland during "The Trial of Omar Abdel Rahman", when the news reporter reminded us, as follows,seditious conspiracy and investigation tactics like the use of paid informers need to be used with the most scrupulous caution.
When a society is threatened with terror it must respond aggressively to protect the lives of its citizens. When that society is a constitutional
democracy, it has the added burden of responding in accordance with law and principle, balancing considerations of security and justice. The prosecutors and jury in this extraordinary case appear to have met that demanding test. Source: New York Times, Oct. 3, 1995.What that reported assessment tells me is that, if it is that hard for the government to make such charges of anarchy and sedition against anyone, then any citizen would be hardpressed to make it against an elected official and have it pursued through appropriate channels no matter how much evidence or documentation might be enough to substantiate those charges.
Therefore, I would remind citizens and all those in leadership to let us not be taken in by the lies of the DEMS or by any party who would maintain that it is impossible to hold candidates and, even our elected leaders, accountable to the fullest extent of the law. We need to be vigilant to examine candidates closely before before they even start to believe they can write laws to take themselves out of having to abide by the law and, yet, leave citizens vulnerable to their illegal proclivities to do whatever and however they want. God help us. God bless you. God bless America.
Pray and Vote McCain-Palin - 2008!
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