(Barack Obama with Mike Gravel)
By Rev. Lainie Dowell
Barack Hussein Obama has gotten closer to potentially becoming President of the United States and moving into the Oval Office. Although there are some that would question whether or not Senator Obama has been granted security clearances –- as a US Senator, he is afforded the basic clearances every member of the Senate is provided. However, his publicized relationships with radicals, subversives and enemies of the state lead many to question the wisdom of his holding any clearance at all.
UPDATE: October 31, 2008 --
Former President Bill Clinton (D), when introducing Sen. Barack Obama, gave him a chilling backwards compliment. Clinton told the people at that televised rally that he recently heard Obama telling his assembled economic advisors, "Tell me what to do and I'll figure out how to sell it." Is America buying a pig in the poke?
UPDATE: November 1, 2008 - Worth Noting!
Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger (R-CA) told McCain-Palin Rally attendees that he left his homeland to get away from Socialism and he did not want to see it come to America! Think about it. Pass it on. Keep Americans FREE and God-fearing!
Current evidence reveals he has not kept secret his ongoing plans which could very well lead to overthrow of our constitutional government, which serves to betray the oath he has taken at least twice to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution.
As a nation, we have stood by for many months during the Election 2008 process and listened to Obama, Joe Biden, and the Democrats circumvent truth every chance they got. Still, many citizens, young and old, gravitated toward their rallies and hailed Obama as the One whose pied piper stance and microphoned messages drew them to him like so many hypnotized zombies drawn to the pitch black graveyard.
Have you read The National Initiative by Former United States Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK)(1969-1981)? And, what are our elected leaders going to do about that?!
Although that paper has been making the rounds of certain aspects within American society, this nation as a whole has not known about it. However, as recently as October 1, 2008, Gravel reportedly presented his paper to an audience in Aarau, Switzerland. As pictured above, Gravel and his Congressional friend, Barack Obama, are in agreement with the tenets that he has put forth, and those initiatives are getting closer to becoming the new law of the land.
If Americans were to research the newspapers published during the time Obama was born (1960s) and when he was growing up in various nations around the world, they would realize that Obama comes from a background and from among people who lived where there were revolutions, uprisings, terrorism, Islamists, and Muslims. It was during the time in Indonesia when books were confiscated, banned, and burned. Religion was closely monitored and millions of youth "volunteers" were dispatched by Sukarno in order to partner with him in governance. This is what Obama proposes for America.
This is an important reminder for us today, because, as an impressionable young child during the 1960s and forward, Obama was, no doubt, heavily influenced by such a volatile environment during that time, also, when America was touted by his countrymen as being the enemy of the likes of Indonesia, Pakistan, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and by American radicals opposed to the Vietnam War and, much later, Desert Storm and the current War Against Terror.
Now, Obama and his wife, Michelle, have prided themselves with creating and training coalitions, partnerships, and volunteers across the nation and throughout the world. And they are all ready for the signal from Obama to come and go at their bidding for whatever they release them to do. Barack Obama does not appear to be the kind of man who takes "No" as an answer.
Not too many people should be surprised by that remark, because the nation has already seen during Obama's campaigning how their methodology works. In fact, he has already committed to using those millions of young people they have amassed to make up a new form of governance under an Obama administration, where he says he will "govern from the bottom up." And, if he should become the new President, then the National Initiative along with his massive coalitions will continue working together to forever change this form of constitutional government to move it from capitalist to socialist for the duration. If Obama becomes the President, then who will this nation have to stand up and speak out against these things and dare to face his punishment of censorship and, perhaps, even be jailed as a dissenter or seditionist or traitor, in his mind?
The premise of the National Initiative includes Mike Gravel's following remarks:
- "Citizens can gain control of their government by becoming lawmakers, empowered to make laws for their own benefit."
- "This generation of Americans must complete the work of the founders by bringing American citizens into the operations of government as lawmakers in a governing partnership with our elected officials."
- "The people, themselves, must enact the federal ballot initiative called National Initiative for Democracy, a proposed law that my colleagues and i have developed and refined over the past decade to empower citizens as lawmakers in every government jurisdiction of the United States in a partnership with their elected officials."
- "The National Initiative is a legislative package sponsored by the Democratic Foundation , a non-profit IRS 501c(3) corporation that includes an amendment to the Constitution and a federal statute."
- "The National initiative electoral process began on September 17, 2002, allowing people to use the Internet to vote. The successful use of this ubiquitous technology now depends on supporters networking with their friends, relatives, colleagues and organizations and informing them that citizens can be empowered to vote on all the policy issues that affect their lives by voting to enact the National Initiative."
Most Americans have expressed concerns about the influence of the many past radical friendships of Obama and, yet, they have no idea about these ongoing attempts to do away with our representative government with elected officials in the United States Congress. They are doing all they can to silently undercut the safety and security of our government and transform it into what they call, "direct governance by citizen lawmakers."
If Americans and the majority of the trustworthy politicians knew about, and took the time to review, this advancing and unlawful constitutional amendment and federal statute, then it would fail to make its way throughout Congress where it is hoped that appearance would enable legislators to share governance with citizens as "lawmakers."
All citizens must be informed about this and then we could be certain the majority of them would not hesitate to say No Obama vote on election day.
Spread the news now before it is too late for America, because if I am right, then Election Night will be too late, if Obama becomes President. And, if I am wrong about this, then please prove it!!
1 comment:
This National Initiative sounds scary, especially the very first bullet point you have posted, "empowered to make laws for their own benefit." Wow.
I'm going to link to your site and browse some more later. Looks like you have a lot of good information here.
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